This page provides links to a selection of the writings of Marx and Engels available on the Internet in various languages.
For reference the English version of the documents are listed first. Please go to The Marx-Engels Internet Archive to access the full list of documents available in English – as well as other stuff like photos etc.
Note: Only a selection of works is given below. Many works are available only in a few languages, but most of the language archives have works other than those shown below. A full listing of the works by Marx and Engels in each language is available from the link in the header of the table. In the table below
shows texts online inside the Marxists Internet Archive,
shows texts online outside the Marxists Internet Archive.
If your browser supports this, the title of the text will show when you hold your mouse over the spot.
Language codes used below follow ISO 639.
Last updated on 13 March 2025 by ZS