Mengistu Haile Mariam


Mengistu Haile MariamMengistu Haile Mariam (Amharic: መንግሥቱ ኃይለ ማርያም; born May 21, 1937) is an Ethiopian former politician who was head of state of socialist Ethiopia from 1977 to 1991. Following the collapse of the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in 1991, Mengistu sought asylum in Harare, Zimbabwe, where he still lives.


Идеи Ленина и эфиопская революция (1980, PDF)
Важный этап Эфиопской революции (1984, PDF)

Speeches and Statements:

Address to the Nation on the Acts of Aggression Committed Against Ethiopia Through Foreign Intervention (1977, PDF)
Imperialist Aggression From Vietnam to Ethiopia: What Does the World Learn From Such Aggressions? (1978, PDF)
Chairman's Address on the Occasion of International Women's Day (1978, PDF)
Fourth Anniversary of the Ethiopian Revolution (1978, PDF)
Address to the 37th Graduating Class of Harar Academy (1979, PDF)
Chairman Announces Formation of COPWE (1979, PDF)
Chairman Urges Africa to Face Up Challenge on Zimbabwe (1980, PDF)
World Peace Council Bureau Session Opening Speech (1980, PDF)
Message of Condolence to the Central Committee of the CPSU on the Death of Leonid Brezhnev (1982, PDF)
Address to Solidarity Gathering in Support of Grenadians (1983, PDF)
Statement at the United Nations International Conference on the Question of Palestine (1983, PDF)
Report to the 20th Summit Conference of the Organization of African Unity (1984, PDF)
May Day Address (1985, PDF)
Address at the Opening Ceremony of the Centenary of the Victory of Dogali (1987, PDF)
Report to the 11th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Ethiopia (1990, PDF)
Mengistu Breaks Silence (1994, PDF)


Probleme der revolutionären Umgestaltungen in Äthiopien (1977, PDF)
مانغستو ل«الحرية»: نحن مع حق تقرير المصير لأريتري (1977, PDF)
Lt. Col. Mengistu Haile-Mariam, Ethiopia's Head of State, talks to Raph Uwechue, Editor-in-Chief, AFRICA magazine (1978, PDF)
Need for Honest Dialogue: Interview with Sudanow (1979, PDF)
"Thank You for Your Support" (1979, PDF)
منغستو "للحرية": هكذا سنبني الحزب الطليعي (1979, PDF)
"The major objective of our revolution remains development with equity" (1980, PDF)
منغستو هيلا مريام يتحدث عن علاقات بلاده مع العرب والصومال والسودان وواشنطن وموسكو (1981, PDF)
Интервью Сотруднику «Коммуниста» (1981, PDF)
Our Main Objective, First and Foremost, is to Free Ourselves From Backwardness: Mengistu Haile Mariam Replies to Questions from Time Magazine (1986, PDF)
„Wir haben Tausende von Leben gerettet“ SPIEGEL-Interview mit dem äthiopischen Staatschef Mengistu Haile Mariam über die Zukunft seines Landes (1986, PDF)
Intervista a Carlo Gregoretti di la Repubblica (1987, PDF)
Interview Granted to The New York Times (1988, PDF)
Éthiopie: L'unité introuvable: Entretien avec Mengistu Haïlé Mariam (1988, PDF)
Interview Granted to the British Television Company Channel Four (1989, PDF)
Interview with Micha Odenheimer (1990, PDF)
L'ex «ras» di Etiopia esce allo scoperto: «Io, Craxi e Andreotti». La prima intervista dall'esilio del Negus rosso (1995, PDF)
Former dictator Mengistu back in Zimbabwe; says the present Ethiopian rulers are a bunch of a minority from the "Tigray tribe": Interview with Veronic Edwards (1999, PDF)
Defiant Mengistu Defends his Revolution to the Death: Interview with Mathatha Tsedu (1999, PDF)