恩格斯的《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》(The Origin of the Family,Private Property and the State)(本文简称《起源》)对于女权主义至今仍然非常重要的原因在于,它和女权主义一样,引起了人们对家庭及其性别分工的易变性的关注。正如本文第一部分所述,恩格斯试图在这里实现这样一种设想,这曾是马克思在1845年《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中设定,并在他关于摩尔根(Morgan)(古代社会)的笔记中继续探讨的设想,即阐明这一矛盾是“尘世家庭”发展与变化的源泉。
[4] 参见S.de Beuvuir,The Second Sex. Harmondsworth:Penguin,1972;Marthn Gimenez,“Marxist and Non-Marxist Elements in Engels's Views on the Oppression of Women",in Janet Sayers,Mary Evans,and Nanncke Redclift (eds.),Engels Revisited,New York:Routledge Press.1987,
[5] 参见A Kuha,“Structures of Patriarchy and Copital in the Farnily”,in A. Kuhn and A. Wolpe(eds),Feminism and Muterialism,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987;Moira Maconachie Engels,“Sexual Divisions,and the Family",in Janet Soyers,Mary Evans,and Nanneke Redclift (eds.),Engels Revisited,New York;Routledge Press,1987.
[6] 参见L.Vogel,Marxism and the Opprrssion of Women,London,Pluto Press,1983;Jane Humplries。“The Origin of the Family:Barn oun of Scarcity Not Wealth”,in Janet Sayers.Mary Evans,and Nanneke Redtlift(eds.),Engels Reoisited,New York;Routledge Press,1987.
[21] 参见J.Brenner,and M.Ramas,“Rethinking Women's Oppression”,in New Left Rrinw,1984,144:37—71.
[22] M.L.Davies,Lifeas We Have Known It,London;Vingo.1977,p.120.
[23] 参见J.Gardiner,“Women's Work in the Industrial Revolution”,in S,Allen,L.Sanders,and J.Wallis(eds.),Conditions of Illusion,Leeds:Feminist Books,1974.
[24] 关于19和20世纪之交时这方面的证据,见J.Lewis.“The Debate on Sex and Class”,inNew Left Reinw,1985,149:108—20。
[25] 参见M.Herrett,and M. Mclntosh,“The‘Family Wage’:Some Problems for Socialists and Feminists”,in Capital andl Class,1980,2:51—72.
[38] 参见G.Rubin,“The Traffic in Women;Notes on the ‘Political Economy’of Sex” in R. Reiter (ed.),Torward an Anthropology of WomeniNew York,Monthly Review Press. 1975,P191.
[39] G.Rubin,“Thinking Sex;Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality”,in .S. Vance(ed.),Plnasure and Dunger,London;Routledge & Kegan Paul,1984.
[41] 参见J.Rose,Feminine Sexuality:Interview-1982.1983.m/f8:3—16;S. Alexander,“Women,Class and Sexual Differences in the 1980s and 1840s:Some Reflections on the Writing of a Feminist History”,in History Workshop Journal,1984.17:125—149.
[48] 参见S.Freud,“An Outline of Psycho-Analysis”,in Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Frend (以下简称S.E.)23,London:Hogarth,1940,p.195.
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[52] S.Freud,“‘Crilined’Sexuual Mocality and Modera Nervous Illness”,in P.F.L.12,Harmondswarth;Penguin.1908.
[53] S. Fread。“‘Civilized’Sexual Morality and Modem Nervous Illness”,in P.F.L.12.Harmondsworth;Penguin. 1908,p,49.
[54] S.Freud。“Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis”,in P.F.L. 1,Harmondsworth:Penguin.1916—1917,p.399.
[55] S,Freud.“The Neuro-Psychoses of Defence”,in S.E.3.London:Hogarth,1894,p.56.
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[57] S. Freud,“Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Amalysis”,in P.F.L.1.Harmondsworth,Penguin,1916—1917.p.430.