ETOL Writers: Irving Howe
![]() |
May 1939: |
May 1939: |
August 1939: |
July 1940: |
February 1941: |
June 1941: |
Civil War in Austria (book review) |
October 1941: |
October 1941: |
The Frauds of Louis Fischer (extended book review) |
October 1941: |
November 1941: |
December 1941: |
December 1941: |
December 1941: |
January 1942: |
January 1942: |
What the Truman Report Revealed And What Should Be Done About It |
January 1942: |
February 1942: |
Daily Worker Covers Up Poll-Tax Politicians on Missouri Lynching |
February 1942: |
February 1942: |
February 1942: |
Dos Passos’ Crumbling Ground (book review) |
March 1942: |
March 1942: |
April 1942: |
April 1942: |
A New Bourgeois Critic (book review) |
April 1942: |
May 1942: |
May 1942: |
May 1942: |
May 1942: |
June 1942: |
June 1942: |
A Letter of Protest (letter, with Henry Judd) Contributor Replies to Protest Letter, from Susan Green |
June 1942: |
June 1942: |
June 1942: |
Steinbeck Goes to Norway (book review) |
June 1942: |
July 1942: |
A Note on James T. Farrell (as R. Fangston) |
September 1942: |
Diplomacy – Fascist Franco Gets A Gift from FDR (as R. Fahan) |
September 1942: |
Silone on Marxism and Christianity (as R. Fahan) (extended book review) |
December 1942: |
The Nazi System (as R. Fahan) (book review) |
December 1942: |
The Socialist Ideal in the World Crisis (as R. Fahan) |
January 1943: |
India – Reports Show New Crisis Is Brewing (as R. Fahan) |
January 1943: |
Ruml Plan – Its Purpose Is to Aid the Rich (as R. Fahan) |
January 1943: |
World Politics and North Africa (as R. Fahan) |
February 1943: |
Koestler – A Pathetic ‘Knight’ Who Lost His Armor (as R. Fahan) |
February 1943: |
Russia – How Judge Stalin’s Role in This War? (as R. Fahan) |
February 1943: |
State Department Ignores Anti-Semitism and Concentration Camps in North Africa (as R. Fahan) |
February 1943: |
Youth – Capitalist Society Offers Them What? (as R. Fahan) |
March 1943: |
“Globaloney” – Vital Issues Lie Behind Luce ‘Humor’ (as R. Fahan) |
March 1943: |
Large Army? Many Motivations Behind the Program (as R. Fahan) |
March 1943: |
A New Literary Critic (book review, as R.F.) |
March 1943: |
Stalinism – The Murder Machine Adds Two Victims (as R. Fahan) |
April 1943: |
The Arabs – Atlantic Charter Voided for Them (as R. Fahan) |
April 1943: |
Giraud – Allied Whitewash Is Strictly Ersatz (as R. Fahan) |
April 1943: |
The Struggle for Air Supremacy (as R.F.) |
May 1943: |
Hollywood Face-Lifters Make a Lend-lease Offering to Stalin (as R. Fahan) |
August 1943: |
Negro Life à la Hollywood (as R. Fahan) |
August 1943: |
Well, Here It Is — (book review, as R. Fahan) |
September 1943: |
The Fight for National Independence of Italy Still Has To Be Won (as R. Fahan) |
September 1943: |
What Is the Real Purpose of Stalin’s “Free Germany” Committee? (as R. Fahan) |
October 1943: |
How Shall Ex-Servicemen Organize? (as R. Fahan) |
October 1943: |
What Is Happening to the AMG? (as R. Fahan) |
December 1943: |
“Brothers Under the Skin” (as R.F., extended book review) |
Dec. 1943/Feb. 1944: |
Machiavelli and Modern Thought (as R. Fahan, extended book review) |
August 1944: |
A Work of Major Significance (as R.F., book review) |
11 February 1946: |
March 1946: |
On Comrade Johnson’s American Resolution – Or Soviets in the Sky |
4 March 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
18 March 1946: |
18 March 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
25 March 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
1 April 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
8 April 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
15 April 1946: |
29 April 1946: |
Why the World Socialist Perspective Remains Valid for Our Time |
6 May 1946: |
6 May 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
13 May 1946: |
20 May 1946: |
20 May 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
27 May 1946: |
World Politics – SWP Finally Ends Its Silence on Appeal to Nuremberg Court (column) |
3 June 1946: |
What Is the Historical Perspective of Bureaucratic Collectivism? (exchange with Dixon Adams) |
3 June 1946: |
World Politics – Important Election Series Taking Place in Europe (column) |
10 June 1946: |
17 June 1946: |
24 June 1946: |
1 July 1946: |
World Politics – Odds and Ends (column) |
8 July 1946: |
15 July 1946: |
Stalinism Stands Exposed as an Inciter of Anti-Semitism in Europe and the Near East |
15 July 1946: |
22 July 1946: |
August 1946: |
The Fate of Writing in America (book review) |
August 1946: |
Human Nature – The Marxian View (book review) |
5 August 1946: |
5 August 1946: |
12 August 1946: |
12 August 1946: |
19 August 1946: |
19 August 1946: |
World Politics – The Little Boat with the Four Elephants (column) |
26 August 1946: |
26 August 1946: |
World Politics – The Jews of Europe (column) |
September 1946: |
September 1946: |
The Promise of American Production (series) |
2 September 1946: |
Books You Should Know ... – Bread and Wine (book review) |
16 September 1946: |
16 September 1946: |
23 September 1946: |
World Politics – Socialist-Stalinist Unity in Europe (column) |
30 September 1946: |
World Politics (column) |
October 1946: |
October 1946: |
The Withering Away of the State (book review) |
7 October 1946: |
14 October 1946: |
14 October 1946: |
November 1946: |
Social-Democracy versus Communism (book review) |
4 November 1946: |
4 November 1946: |
11 November 1946: |
Books You Should Know ... Studs Lonigan (book review) |
18 November 1946: |
18 November 1946: |
25 November 1946: |
25 November 1946: |
2 December 1946: |
Books You Should Know ... Karl Marx (book review) |
9 December 1946: |
9 December 1946: |
16 December 1946: |
23 December 1946: |
30 December 1946: |
30 December 1946: |
6 January 1947: |
13 January 1947: |
The New Leader Doesn’t Tell the Truth About Blum and Indo-China Freedom |
20 January 1947: |
27 January 1947: |
27 January 1947: |
February 1947: |
3 February 1947: |
World Politics – A Letter from a Reader on Poland – A Reply (column) |
10 February 1947: |
17 February 1947: |
3 March 1947: |
10 March 1947: |
17 March 1947: |
24 March 1947: |
31 March 1947: |
April 1947: |
7 April 1947: |
14 April 1947: |
Russia – An Engrossing Novel Describes Its Terror (book review) |
14 April 1947: |
21 April 1947: |
A New Theoretician for American Imperialism (book review) |
23 April 1947: |
5 May 1947: |
A Self-Portrait in a Stalinist Writer’s Novel (book review) |
5 May 1947: |
19 May 1947: |
26 May 1947: |
26 May 1947: |
2 June 1947: |
9 June 1947: |
16 June 1947: |
23 June 1947: |
Marshall Plan for the Imperialist Domination of Europe Underlines the Need for Socialism |
July 1947: |
August 1947: |
From Two Old Masters (book review) |
September 1947: |
The Concentrationary Universe (book review) |
October 1947: |
December 1947: |
January 1948: |
January 1948: |
Books You Should Know ... (book review) |
February 1948: |
February 1948: |
February 1948: |
What Makes Henry Run? (as R. Fahan) |
March 1948: |
March 1948: |
Spring 1948: |
April 1948: |
Slave Laborer’s Story (book review) |
April 1948: |
July 1948: |
October 1948: |
November 1948: |
March 1949: |
Future for American Socialism? (as R. Fahan) |
March 1949: |
March 1949: |
Should Stalinists Be Permitted to Teach? (as R. Fahan) |
March 1949: |
Sidney Hook – His New Friends in the Vatican? (as R. Fahan) |
April 1949: |
Second Thought (letter) (as R. Fahan) |
April 1949: |
Stalinist “Peace” Conference Flops (as R. Fahan) |
August 1949: |
Portrait of a Socialist Rebel (as R. Fahan) (book review) |
October 1949: |
October 1949: |
John Dewey at 90 (as R.F.) |
October 1949: |
Newest Biography of Stalin Gives a Balanced Portrait (as R. Fahan) (book review) |
December 1949: |
January 1950: |
Dangerous Radicals (as R. Fahan) (book review) |
2 January 1950: |
Memo to Walter Reuther (as R. Fahan) |
March 1950: |
The Politics of Incineration (as R. Fahan) |
10 April 1950: |
The SWP Fumes and Froths (as R. Fahan) |
17 April 1950: |
Children Cleared of Slanderous Charge (letter, as R. Fahan) |
24 April 1950: |
Whitewash (letter) |
26 June 1950: |
On the British Labor Party’:s Motivations (letter, as R. Fahan) |
September 1950: |
The German Soldier (as R. Fahan) (book review) |
September 1950: |
Issues in Dispute (as R. Fahan) (letter) |
November 1950: |
December 1950: |
January 1951: |
Serge’s Novel (book review) |
February 1951: |
May 1952: |
An Answer to Critics of American Socialism (extended book review) |
September 1954: |
October 1954: |
January 1955: |
July 1962: |
May 1963: |
March 1966: |
April 1970: |
May 1970: |
May 1973: |
August 1974: |
Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL)
Last updated: 21 December 2024