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R. Fahan

Readers Take the Floor ...

Children Cleared of Slanderous Charge

(17 April 1950)

From Labor Action, Vol. 14 no. 16, 17 April 1950, p. 5.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

To the Editor:

In a footnote to my article last week, the editor of Labor Action suggested that the SWP leaflet at the Shachtman-Browder debate was probably the result, not of bureaucratic stupidity or mere pique, but of a seven-year-old child’s mimeographing. I am afraid the editor thereby exposes his lamentable ignorance of both child psychology and Cannonism.

First, he should know that seven-year-old children don’t generally spend their evenings with mimeograph machines. By nature, they are not as nasty and vicious and stupid as the author of the SWP leaflet. Children, if brought up with a minimum of affection, are usually much more honest and comradely than the author of that leaflet.

Second, it takes training to be able to write that way. You have to be schooled tor years in the theory that Trotskyism means “striking while, the iron is hot.” You. have to associate in the elevating intellectual milieu. of the Cannonite leadership; you have'to be taught the meaning of the “finished program.” Only then can you write such leaflets. Now I ask you, friend editor, is this possible for a seven-year-old?

In passing, a word on how attractive and much more readable the new LA format is.


Sincerely yours
R. Fahan


Comrade R. Fahan must be right. Besides everything else, the current issue of the Cannonite Militant, in a “report” of the debate, actually repeats and quotes their now notorious leaflet. And we hasten to dissociate ourselves from any intention of slandering seven-year-olds. – Ed.

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