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01_01st-1a 01_01st-1b | Vol. 1 No. 5 Gov’t in back pocket of US Levi blue jeans, by R.D. (US monopoly already in control of commanding heights of Canadian economy) Gov’t aids takeover, bankrolls US giants; Economic Council predicts increasing US ownership |
01_01st-2a 01_01st-2b | Column: Cross Country with the NDP by Anne Macdonald: Nationalize United; (Abortion is) Priority (B.C. magazine) issue; Sask. NDP meets (B.C. NDP Premier) Barrett hits oil barons |
01_01st-3 | US building trades brass sabotage (Canadian) autonomy |
01_01st-4 | (Editorial) Action not jingles in Int(ernational) Women’s year |
01_01st-5 | (Editorial) New turn in Labor’s ranks spurred on by youth and inflation; new openings for labor |
02_01st-1a 02_01st-1b | Vol. 1 No. 6 Oil profiteers, get out now! Cdn gov’ts capitulating before oil bosses’ Syncrude ultimatum Oil profiteers, out! |
02_01st-2 | (Editorials) (Canadian). workers protest US ban on Cuba trade; Cole Steelworkers protest (Canadian) submission to trade ban |
02_01st-3a02_01st-3b | (2 pp) Trudeau tough with Time (magazine)—a bit, maybe; Bandaid, too little, too late (continuation) Macleans; (graphic: Emit) |
02_01st-4 | (Canadian) complicity, as usual, in Vietnam war crimes, by Paul Kane; Writers see (Canadian) role in Brazil as ‘sub-imperial’ |
03_01st-1 | Vol. 1 No. 7 Oil buccaneers plunder public funds, by R.D.; May 10—for national womens rights action (editorial); March for women’s rights |
03_01st-2a 03_01st-2b | Last tango in Europe—Can-US free trade option? By R.D. (continuation) Japanese imperialism has shown considerable interest in Canadian resources |
03_01st-3 | (Editorial) Unholy alliance rules out workers’ health (asbestos dust peril) |
03_01st-4a 03_01st-4b | Column: Cross country with the NDP, by Anne Macdonald: NDP grow on campus; Federal leadership (race includes Rosemary Brown); BC women(’s resolution) debate; Alberta convention (calls for nationalization of Esso) Business attacks NDP in MB and SK; Manitoba convention (Premier Schreyer balks at manifesto) |
03_01st-5 | (Obituary) Hugh Dowson, worker-militant & socialist (from a speech by R.D.) |
03_01st-6 | Comments on Canada by Fourth International (makes no mention of the NDP or nationalist sentiment) |
03_01st-7 | York (University United) left slate victory; SL debates human alienation (at York U.); Socialist League Marxist classes; Forward opens annual drive: $5000 by May 15 |
04_15th-1 | Vol. 1 No. 8 US puppets routed in Indochina, by Paul Kane |
04_15th-2a 04_15th-2b 04_15th-2c | The debate widens on the nature of Canada, by R.D.; From the Mandel contribution, to Warnock (what rank of imperialist power?) (continuation) Cartoon: Minister to US oil owners: “You’re cut off—beat it." (continuation) Photo: Belgian Marxist economist Ernest Mandel |
04_15th-3 | Mounting attack on (Canadian) nationalism; Bankers, bosses & bureaucrats join, by P. Kent |
04_15th-4 | (Editorials) Poverty in Canada; Aid is not solution (to world food crisis) |
04_15th-5 | Student leaders speak out at Forward Forum (Dale Ritch); Fun drive on the way to top $5,000 |
06_01st-1a 06_01st-1b 06_01st-1c | Vol. 1 No. 9 US tycoons take over the Canadian bankroll, by R.D. (continuation) The Bank Act has become an irritant (continuation) The power behind the carpet-bankers |
06_01st-2 | (Editorials) Monopoly power (the Royal Commission to investigate); Everything to lose! (Canada recommits to NATO) |
06_01st-3 | Left, labor bookstore launched (Forward Books); Fund drive falls short |
08_-01st-1 | Vol. 1 No. 10 Branch plant, gov’t policy make Canada a technological colony, by Paul Kane Box: (union) drive for autonomy |
08_01st-2 | (Editorial) Deathtrap set for us (Pentagon’s Trident submarines for Vancouver) Choking on greed (US capitalism wasteful and unproductive) |
08_01st-3 | Browsing thru Forward Books (reviews of some new history & literature) |
08_01st-4a 08_01st-3b 08_01st-3c 08_01st-4d | Towards the study of (Canadian) art; In reply to Barry Lord’s views, by R.D. (continuation) Graphic: North Shore, Lake Superior, by Lawren Harris, 1926 (continuation) Graphic: Blumden Harbour, by Emily Carr (continuation) (Paintings which are little) more than patriotic poster art. |
09_01st-1 | Vol. 1 No. 11 Women unionists launch new movement for rights, by P. Kent |
09_01st-2 | Prisoners form union; Sit-ins rock the jails, by Paul Kane; Que. workers for autonomy |
09_01st-3a 09_01st-3b 09_01st-3c | Pioneer struggles to build workers’ party; A major study of the failure of the Canadian CP (by Ivan Avakumovic) reviewed by R.D. (continuation) C.P. Headline:"USSR, atom bomb KO Japan warlords” (continuation) Photo: The Workers Party of the 1920s |
09_01st-4 | (Editorials) Answer Bell extortion with nationalization; Hands off Portugal |
09_01st-5 | Browsing thru Forward Books (review of current books and magazines) |
09_01st-6 | Column: On the Line: CUPE hits labor board; Maritime brass hit new low (ILU cold-war move); Steel ranks buck pattern |
10_01st-1a 10_01st-1b | Vol. 1 No. 12 US is calling shots on (Canadian) military, by R.D., (continuation) Photo: P.E.T. told Canada expected to bolster its NATO forces |
10_01st-2 | Br. Labor Party left mounts rebuke to Wilson leadership |
10_01st-3 | (Editorial) Task for socialists (how the left responded to NDP Ontario electoral campaign); Stop (Rosie) Douglas deportation |
10_01st-4 | Forward forums offer discussion for socialists, by Wayne Roberts |
11_01st-1 | Vol. 2 No. 1 (unsigned, editorial) For a congress of all (Canadian) labor to fight Trudeau’s wage freeze; Program for labor |
11_01st-2a 11_01st-2b | The October crisis fraud; Confirmed five years after (War Measures Act) (R.D. article reprinted from Nov. 1970) (continuation) first and foremost (a) body blow against Quebec nationalism |
11_01st-3 | (Editorial) Canadian Dimension on the NDP |
11_01st-4 | (Editorials) The gap widens (incomes in Canada); Is Zionism racist? |
11_01st-5 | Column: Oh Canada: real role of FIRA; Broadbent reviews Walter Gordon book; etc. |
11_01st-6a 11_01st-6b | Myth and reality of class in Canada; New study of corporate elite; a review by R.D. of Wallace Clement’s book (continuation) Photo of author |
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Forward Group Last updated:
Monday, July 16th, 2007, 0:12 AM
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