07_01st-1 | Vol. 1 No. 1 (July) (Editorial) Vote, elect an NDP government; Who actually owns Canada? Who really runs Canada? ) |
07_01st-2 | (second Edit) How we see it (welcome to Forward (on the need for a socialist Canada and the central role of the NDP)\ ) |
07_01st-3c07_01st-3d |
(4 pp) Rank & file revolt at CLC, by R.D.;
Nationalism spurs autonomy struggle
Referendum on Cdn autonomy worries trade union brass
(continuation) Quebec win
(continuation) Delegates assembled at CDC convention |
09_01st-1 | Vol. 1 No. 2 (Sept.) Toronto Socialist League holds classes on Marxism |
09_01st-2 | (Editorials) Pull Cdn-UN troops out of Cyprus now! Forward launches drive for $4,000) |
10_01st-1 | Vol. 1 No. 3 (Oct.) (Editorials) (Dr.) Morgentaler confronts Supreme Court showdown (abortion rights crusader) |
10_01st-2b |
(2 pp) American socialist fighter (obituary for James P. Cannon) by R.D.
(continuation) Books by James P. Cannon ) |
10_01st-3c |
(3 pp) Canada’s branch plant imperialism, by R.D.; New US investment in Canada
(continuation) US imperialist interests are moving in
(continuation) Photo: Henry Kissinger & P.E. Trudeau; Fund drive moves forward |
10_01st-4 | CCF-NDP Leader M.J. Coldwell (an obituary) by R.D. |
11_01st-1 | Vol. 1 No. 4 (Nov.) Manifesto surfaces in BC-NDP; “Turn Toward Socialism” (Members of Provincial Executive) ) |
11_01st-2 | (unsigned, editorials) NDP candidates needed to win labor control of (Toronto) City Hall; Fund drive goes over the top) |
11_01st-3 | Citizen Review Board to uproot police brutality, (by Ken Napier ) |