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Fourth International, June 1940


Leon Trotsky

Marxism in United States –


From Fourth International, Vol. I No. 2, June 1940, p. 38.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


The United States had Marxists in the past, it is true, but they were a strange type of Marxist, or rather, three strange types. In the first place, there were the emigrés cast out of Europe, who did what they could but could not find any response; in the second place, isolated American groups like the De Leonists, who in the course of events, and because of their own mistakes, turned themselves into sects; in the third place, dilettantes attracted by the October Revolution and sympathetic to Marxism as an exotic teaching that had little to do with the United States. Their day is over. Now dawns the new epoch of an independent class movement of the proletariat and at the same time of – genuine Marxism. In this, too, America will in a few jumps catch up with Europe and outdistance it. Progressive technique and a progressive social structure will pave their own way in the sphere of doctrine. The best theoreticians of Marxism will appear on American soil. Marx will become the mentor of the advanced American workers.

– Leon Trotsky, Essay on Karl Marx in The Living Thoughts of Karl Marx.

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