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Fourth International, June 1940


Organs of the Fourth International


From Fourth International, Vol. I No. 2, June 1940, p. 62.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.



THE MILITANT. Pioneer Publishing Association, 79 Gipsy Road, London, S.E.27. A monthly legal paper published by the official section of the Fourth International in Great Britain, the Militant Labor League. This publication opposes the imperialist war, condemns Stalinism, and stands for unconditional defense of the Soviet Union against capitalism.


THE MILITANT. A bi-weekly published by the Communist League of Australia, Section of the Fourth International. The Australian section announces that The Militant will be issued as a weekly within the near future. Recent issues are campaigning against conscription and carry the official releases of the Fourth International in opposition to war. A number of public declarations of former prominent members of the Communist Party have been printed, announcing their adherence to the Fourth International.


SOCIALIST ACTION. A monthly published at Montreal by the Socialist Workers League of Canada, Section of the Fourth International. The May issue analyzes the Federal Elections and carries a May Day manifesto as well as an editorial in defense of the Soviet Union.


SOCIALIST ACTION. Published by the South African Section of the Fourth International in the English language and Afrikaans. No copies have been received since last September due to the British war measures. The August number carried an anti-war manifesto.


LA NUEVA INTERNACIONAL. A monthly published by the Grupo Obrero Revolucionaria, affiliated with the Fourth International.
LA NUEVA INTERNACIONAL follows the Marxist line of opposition to the second World War. Its latest issues analyze the USSR and call for its defense against imperialist attack.


CONTRA LA CORRIENTE. A monthly published by the Uruguayan members of the Fourth International.


DER EINZIGE WEG. A monthly published by the Swiss Section of the Fourth International.


L’ETINCELLE. Published by our comrades in France, now organized as the Committee of the Fourth International. It is a monthly agitational paper appearing illegally in Paris, with five provincial editions.
BULLETIN DE LA QUATRIÈME INTERNATIONALE. A bi-monthly discussion organ. The latest issues have carried discussion material on the Russian question. L’Etincelle carries agitational material and inside news from the proletarians at the front.


UNSER WORT. A bi-monthly published in exile by the German Section of the Fourth International. This paper has an international circulation and from the point of view of content is one of the best organs of the International. The last issue contains articles on the exile of Fritz Thyssen, ex-Nazi tycoon, a polemic with refugee liberals who support Anglo-French imperialism, and other material unobtainable elsewhere.


LA LUTTE OUVRIÈRE. A weekly published by the Revolutionary Socialist Party, Section of the Fourth International. This paper was banned by the government upon the outbreak of war. L’ACTION SOCIALISTE. Replaced La Lutte Ouvrière but was banned also by the government. The Belgian section now publishes mimeographed material regularly.


OKTOBRE. Published by the Norwegian Section of the Fourth International.
KLASSEKAMPF. Published by the Danish section of the Fourth International. Both these papers have been suppressed since the Nazi invasion of these two countries.


LA LUCHA OBRERA. A popular newspaper published by the Partido Obrera Internacionalista (International Workers Party), Section of the Fourth International.
CLAVE. A monthly theoretical magazine published by the Mexican Section of the Fourth International. Clave enjoys wide circulation in all the Spanish-speaking countries. The March number carries an excellent editorial on the further degeneration of the Stalinist party in Mexico as manifested in the recent Stalin-inst purge in Mexico.


BOLETINO. Published by the Bolivian Section of the Fourth International.


THE SPARK. A legal magazine published, monthly by the Communist League of China, Section of the Fourth International. An illegal monthly advocating the program of the Fourth International is also published in China.


BULLETIN OF THE OPPOSITION. A monthly published by the Russian Section of the Fourth International in exile. It carries the original articles and pamphlets of L.D. Trotsky, the outstanding theoretician of the Fourth International.


DE ENIGE WEG. A monthly published by by the Dutch Section of the Fourth International. No copies have been received in the United States since October.


CHISPA. Published by the Bolshevik-Leninist League of Puerto Rico, affiliated with the Fourth International.


The Brazilian Section of the Fourth International has been suppressed by the government. All their publications are distributed in illegal form.


THE SOCIALIST APPEAL. A weekly newspaper published by the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International.
FOURTH INTERNATIONAL. A monthly theoretical magazine published by the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. A drive is now being conducted by the Socialist Workers Party to make the Socialist Appeal a twice-weekly.

Subscriptions to any of the above publications of the Fourth International will be accepted by the Business Manager of FOURTH INTERNATIONAL, 116 University Place, New York City.

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