MIA: Marxist Writers: Che Guevara: Library
1952: The Motorcycle Diaries [partial transcription]
1963: Our America and Theirs [partial transcription]
1963: Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War [partial transcription]
1967: The Che Reader [partial transcription]
1967: The Bolivian Diary [partial transcription] (alternative translation)Documents:
April 18, 1959: Abstract of: A New Old Interview
August 19, 1960: On Revolutionary Medicine
October 8, 1960: Notes for the Study of the Ideology of the Cuban Revolution
March 28, 1961: Mobilising the Masses for the Invasion
April 9, 1961: Cuba: Exceptional Case or Vanguard in the Struggle Against Colonialism?
August 8, 1961: On Growth and Imperialism
September, 1962: The Cadres: Backbone of the Revolution
1963: Guerrilla war, a method [not to be confused with his famous book on the subject.]
March 25, 1964: On Development
April 18, 1964: On the Cuban Party, Brazilian Crisis, etc. (interview)
December 11, 1964: Colonialism is Doomed
December 26, 1964: On Africa and Latin America (interview)
February, 1965: Second Economic Seminar of the Organization of Afro-Asian Solidarity (alternative translation)
March, 1965: Man and Socialism in Cuba
April 1, 1965: Farewell letter from Che to Fidel Castro (alternative translation)
April 16, 1967: Message to the Tricontinental
undated: What Is a Guerrilla?See also:
October 18, 1967: Fidel Castro In Tribute to Che Guevara
Last updated on 27 April 2024