MIA: Marxist Writers: Che Guevara: 1965
The Che Reader
Written: 1959 - 1965
First Published: 2003
Source: The Che Reader, Ocean Press, © 2005.
Translated: unknown
Transcription/Markup: Ocean Press/Brian Baggins
Copyright: © 2005 Aleida March, Che Guevara Studies Center and Ocean Press. Reprinted with their permission. Not to be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Ocean Press. For further information contact Ocean Press at info@oceanbooks.com.au and via its website at www.oceanbooks.com.au.
Online Version: Guevara Internet Archive (marxists.org) 2006. This document has been published on MIA with the permission of Ocean Press. This is a time limited publication, as the present contract expries on October 9, 2008, though both parties hope and desire the agreement will continue long past this date.
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Ernesto Che Guevara
Introduction to the second edition by David Deutschmann
Selections from Episodes of the Revolutionary War
A revolution begins
Alegría de Pío
The battle of La Plata
A betrayal in the making
The murdered puppy
A decisive meeting
The final offensive and the battle of Santa Clara
El Patojo
What we have learned and what we have taught (December 1958)
The essence of guerrilla struggle (1960)
Guerrilla warfare: A method (September 1963)PART 2: THE CUBA YEARS 1959-65
Social ideals of the Rebel Army (January 29, 1959)
Political sovereignty and economic independence (March 20, 1960)
Speech to medical students and health workers (August 20, 1960)
Notes for the study of the ideology of the Cuban Revolution (October 1960)
Cuba: Historical exception or vanguard in the anticolonial struggle? (April 9, 1961)
A new culture of work (August 21, 1962)
The cadre: Backbone of the revolution (September 1962)
To be a Young Communist (October 20, 1962)
A party of the working class (1963)
Against bureaucratism (February 1963)
On the budgetary finance system (February 1964)
Socialism and man in Cuba (1965)PART 3: INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY
Speech to the Latin American youth congress (July 28, 1960)
The OAS conference at Punta del Este (August 8, 1961)
The Cuban Revolution's influence in Latin America (May 18, 1962)
Tactics and strategy of the Latin American revolution (October/November 1962)
The philosophy of plunder must cease (March 25, 1964)
At the United Nations (December 11, 1964)
At the Afro-Asian conference in Algeria (February 24, 1965)
Create two, three, many Vietnams (Message to the Tricontinental, April 1967)PART 4: LETTERS
To José E. Martí Leyva
To José Tiquet
To Dr. Fernando Barral
To Carlos Franqui
To Guillermo Lorentzen
To Peter Marucci
To Dr. Aleida Coto Martínez
To the compañeros of the Motorcycle Assembly Plant
To Pablo Díaz González
To Lydia Ares Rodríguez
To María Rosario Guevara
To José Medero Mestre
To Eduardo B. Ordaz Ducungé
To Haydée Santamaría
To Dr. Regino G. Boti
To Elías Entralgo
To my children
To my parents
To Hildita
To Fidel Castro
To my children
Bibliography of Che Guevara's writings and speeches
Copyright: © 2005 Aleida March, Che Guevara Studies Center and Ocean Press. Reprinted with their permission. Not to be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Ocean Press. For further information contact Ocean Press at info@oceanbooks.com.au and via its website at www.oceanbooks.com.au.