MIA: Subjects: Czechoslovakia in 1968
Czechoslovakia in 1968
Collection of material on the history of Czechoslovakia during the rise of the dissident communist regime and its eventual destruction by the invading forces of the U.S.S.R.
Prague Spring
From M.I.A. Encyclopedia: Prague Spring
The Action Programme of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, April 5, 1968
Key figures:
Alexander Dubček
Antonin Novotny
Ota Šik (Archive)
Official reactions to the Soviet intervention
Fidel Castro Comments on Czechoslovakia, August 24, 1968
Statement by the International Committee of the Fourth International, October 21, 1968
Anti-revisionist party reactions
Peking Review, #35, #36, #38, #39, #44, #48, August-November, 1968;
Red Front, August 1968
Czechoslovak response to "Normalization"
Manifesto of the Revolutionary Socialist Party Czechoslovakia, International Marxist Group, February 1970
Socialism lives in Czechoslovakia: Manifesto of the Socialist Movement of Czechoslovak Citizens, October 1970
Interview with Jan Sling, Bulletin for Socialist Self-Management, 1973
The Revolutionary Left in Czechoslovakia, International Marxist Group, 1974?
Analyses and accounts
Participants in the Prague Spring
Zdenek Mlynar The Lessons of the Prague Spring, 1988
News & Letters
Eugene Walker Poland and Czechoslovakia: Communist Regimes Shaken by East European Student Demonstrations, April 1968
Czechoslovakia: Revolution and Counter Revolution, October 1968
Ivan Svitak, The Current Crisis
At the Crossroads of Two Worlds
Editorial Statement from News & Letters, August-September, 1968Andrew Filak Total Czechoslovak Unity Defies Russian Invasion to Crush Marxism, October 1968
Prague Spring 1969: the National Squeeze Continues, Jun-July 1969
Czechoslovakia 1988: No Prague Spring, 1988
World Outlook
Dissatisfaction in Czechoslovakia Leads to Ouster of Novotny, January 1968
New Concessions to Demands for Liberalization in Czechoslovakia, George Novack, March 1968
Novotny Forced Out as President of Czechoslovakia, March 1968
Czechoslovak Regime Under Pressure from Soviet Bloc, April 1968Hal Draper The Russian Invasion of Czechoslovakia, August 22, 1968
Michael Kidron Czech workers’ spring is crushed by the Russian ice-pack, September 21, 1968
Joseph Hansen Fidel Castro's Position on the Invasion and Occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact countries, 1968
Ernest Mandel
Brief Analysis of Czech Crisis, August 10, 1968
The rationale of the Czech tragedy, November 1968
The Social, Economic and Political Background of the Czechoslovak Crisis, 1969
Why They Invaded Czechoslovakia, 1974Chris Harman
Russian bosses fear Czech lead will sweep east Europe, August 1968
Czech youth and workers step up fight for freedom, January 25, 1969
Dubcek’s downfall, April 26, 1969
Czechoslovakia, June 1969
Czech 'reformers' capitulate as resistance rises, August 28, 1969Russia's Vietnam, International Socialism, Autumn 1968
Long Live the Struggle of Czechoslovak Working Class, from a conference of militant revolutionaries of Eastern Europe, 1969
Barbara Alden, Eric Langdon Repression Grows in Czechoslovakia, Workers' Power, 1972
Prague Spring: 20 years on, Workers Press, 1988
Richard James When Prague was 'one big poster', Socialist Outlook, 1988
Shibdas Ghosh Soviet Military Intervention in Czechoslovakia and Revisionism, August 26, 1968
Defeat USSR Imperialism-Czechoslovak Revisionism, Progressive Labor, September 10, 1968
Peking Review
Deal Made at Bayonet Point, August 30, 1968
Soviet Revisionists Insist on Armed Occupation of Czechoslovakia, August 29, 1968
Soviet Revisionists Cooked Up Treaty for Long-Term Military Occupation of Czechoslovakia, October 25, 1968
Fan Hsiu-ping A Lame Alibi, November 1, 1968
Chin Hai Spectre That Makes Occupiers Tremble with Fear, January 1974Zeri i Popullit
The Soviet Revisionists and Czechoslovakia, July 24, 1968
Soviet-Czechoslovak Treaty Legalizes Transformation of Czechoslovakia into Soviet Revisionist Colony, October 23, 1968
The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic Caught in the Grip of Soviet Revisionist Invaders, November 19, 1968
Soviet - U.S. Alliance at Work against the Czechoslovak People, May 1969From Prague to Chenpao, The Marxist, April 1969
John Boyd My Report on the 1968 Events in Czechoslovakia, September 15, 1968
R. Palme Dutt Czechoslovakia — Lessons for Us All, October 1968
Sam Marcy Czechoslovakia 1968: The Class Character of the Events, 1968
Andy Blunden The Prague Spring and Reaction of Communist Parties to the Prague Spring and its Suppression (from Stalinism: It's Origin and Future), 1993
Michael Newman Britain, the USA and the Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968, 2003
Archive maintained by Zdravko Saveski
Last updated on 15 February 2025