MIA: History: Yugoslavia

Flag of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Documents on the History of Yugoslavia


Chronology of Yugoslav history, Labour Focus on Eastern Europe, 1993


The Communist International on Yugoslavia

Resolution on the Yugoslav Question, Fourth Congress, 1922

J. V. Stalin Concerning the National Question in Yugoslavia, 1925


National Liberation War (1941-1945)

The Tasks Before the People's Liberation Partisan Detachments, August 1941

Oath Taken by Fighting Men of Partisan Detachments, September 1941

J. V. Stalin Order of the Day, October 20, 1944

Josip Broz Tito Victory Day, May 9, 1945


Maps of Yugoslavia during World War II

Dismemberment of Yugoslavia by Germany, Italy and their allies in April 1941

Liberated and semi-liberated territory in September 1943

Liberated territory in Yugoslavia and grouping of forces of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and of the invaders towards the end of September 1944


National Liberation War - Photo Gallery (off-site link)


Josip Broz Tito A statement before the Joint Session of the Parliament of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, March 1, 1946


Tito-Stalin split

Trotskyist reactions

Circular to the Leadership of All Sections, International Secretariat of the Fourth International, June 30, 1948

An Open Letter to the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, International Secretariat of the Fourth International, July 1, 1948

An Open Letter to the Congress, Central Committee and Members of the Yugoslav Communist Party, International Secretariat of the Fourth International, July 13, 1948

Resolution on Yugoslavia Crisis, Parti Communiste Internationaliste, July 1948

Letter on Yugoslavia Sent to the International Executive Committee by the RCP (Britain), by Jock Haston, Summer 1948

Yugoslav Events and the World Crisis of Stalinism, Statement by the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party, August 3, 1948

An Open Letter to Yugoslav C.P., International Secretariat of the Fourth International, September 1948

The Tito-Stalin Conflict, Statement of National Committee of Socialist Workers Party, October 1949

The Yugoslav Revolution, Resolution by the Third Congress of the Fourth International, 1951


The aftermath

Josip Broz Tito Letter to the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, February 20, 1956



Excerpt from the Basic Law on Management of State Economic Enterprises and Higher Economic Associations by the Workers' Collective, 1950

Josip Broz Tito Speech at the First Congress of Worker's Councils, 1957


The Djilas Case

Milovan Djilas

Milovan Djilas Views of the Democratic Opposition in Yugoslavia (Part 2), 1954

Hal Draper Djilas and the Crisis of Titoism (Part 2) (Part 3), 1954

John G. Wright Socialism in Yugoslavia?: The Djilas Case and the Tito Regime, 1954

The Djilas Affair, La Vérité des Travailleurs, 1955

Hal Draper Hands Off Djilas and Dedijer, 1955

Milovan Djilas The Storm in East Europe, 1956

Djilas Arrested - World Labor Must Mobilize to Save Him, 1956

Raya Dunayevskaya Djilas' New Class, 1957

Albert Glotzer Djilas' Indictment of Stalinism, 1958

Release Milovan Djilas, The Newsletter, Socialist Labour League, 1962


Student protests

Yugoslav Student Struggles (chronicle of the student struggle 1966-1970) [another source]

George Novack 60,000 Belgrade students hold 8-day sit-in, 1968

Barry Sheppard A talk with Yugoslav student rebels, 1968

Fredy Perlman Birth of a Revolutionary Movement in Yugoslavia, 1969

Direct Report on Recent Struggles, 1971



Josip Broz Tito

Ante Ciliga

Gajo Petrović

Rudi Supek

Mihailo Marković

Branko Pribićević


Other Yugoslavia-related pages on MIA

Yugoslavia Subject Section

Yugoslav publications

For Freedom, Woodcut set by Djordje Andrejevic-Kun, 1938

Bosnian War (1992-1995)


Archive maintained by Zdravko Saveski

Last updated on 29 July 2024