31 March 1918
Izvestia, 31 March 1918

    On 9 March the formalities for the liquidation of the RussoRumanian military conflict, which had arisen in consequence of the occupation of Bessarabia by Rumanian troops, were completed. The conflict was liquidated on the following terms:

    1. Rumania undertakes to evacuate Bessarabia in the course of two months. It will immediately evacuate the strategic position of Zhebriany, situated at the lower end of the bay near the Danube estuary. All positions evacuated by the Rumanian troops will immediately be taken over by Russian troops. After the two months a Rumanian detachment of io,ooo men will remain in Bessarabia to guard Rumanian stores and railways.

    2. Immediately upon the signature of the treaty, the maintenance of security in Bessarabia will be taken over by the local town and village militia. The Rumanian military command renounces its rights to make arrests and generally to perform any judicial or administrative functions, which belong exclusively to the local, elected authorities.

    3. Rumanian citizens arrested in Russia will be exchanged for Russian revolutionaries, officers and men, arrested in Rumania.

    4. Rumania undertakes not to engage in any hostilities or other acts against the All-Russian Federation of Soviet Republics of workers and peasants, and not to support any such acts undertaken by other States.

    5. Russia undertakes to let Rumania have any grain surplus in Bessarabia after having satisfied the needs of the local population and the Russian military units. In addition Rumania has the right to buy in the rest of Russia products necessary for the feeding of the Rumanian population outside Bessarabia (fish, fats, sugar, tea, etc)

    6. Russia returns to Rumania the foodstores built up by the Allies to feed the Rumanian population.

    7. In the event of a forced retreat of the Rumanian army from Rumanian territory, it will find refuge and food on Russian territory.

    8. In the event of parallel action against the Central Powers and their allies, contact will be established between the Military Command of the Russian Soviet armies and of the Rumanian armies.

    9. International committees will be formed in Odessa, Kiev, Moscow, Petrograd, Jassy, and Galatz, of representatives of Russia, Rumania, England, France, and the United States, for the settlement of any misunderstandings which may arise between Rumania and the Russian Federation of Soviet Republics of workers and peasants.

    The agreement was signed on the Russian side by Rakovsky, Chairman of the Supreme Autonomous Collegium on Russo-Rumanian Affairs set up by the All-Russian Council of People's Commissars; Brashovan, Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Republic of Odessa; Yudovsky, Chairman of the Rumcherod; Voronsky, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Odessa Soviets; Muraviev, Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Armies of the South. On the Rumanian side the agreement was signed by Avarescu. The Canadian Colonel Boyle acted as intermediary.

    In addition to the above treaty there arc also two protocols. The first, signed by General Averesco, obliges Rumania in the event of the conclusion of peace between Rumania and the Central Powers, to secure from the latter the right of free return of Russian soldiers who are now in Rumania.

    The second-between the Chairman of the Supreme Autonomous Collegium and Colonel Boyle-obliges the latter to obtain from the Rumanian Government the immediate evacuation of the Akkerman district and a general political amnesty for Rumanian political emigrants and deserters.

    On 12 March an exchange of Russian and Rumanian prisoners should have taken place at Bender; the lists had already been exchanged previously between the two Governments, but the occupation of the Razdelnoe station by - the Germans prevented this exchange. The Rumanian prisoners are now free in Sebastopol, in the charge of Colonel Boyle, and are awaiting an opportunity to be exchanged.

    In connexion with the above mentioned agreement, the Rumanian Consul-General in Moscow approached the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs with a proposal for the re-establishment of official relations and the return to Rumania of the food stores in Russia. The Commissariat replied in the affirmative to the first point, with the proposal to set up the international commission provided for in the agreement for the realization of all points of the agreement.

Documents on Soviet Foreign Policy

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