MIA: History: USA: Publications: Fight 1933 - 1939
Against War and Fascism
1934 - 1939
Fight! Against War and Fascism was a newspaper of the American League Against War and Fascism, an organization formed in 1933 by the Communist Party USA and pacifists united by their concern as Nazism and Fascism rose in Europe. In 1937 the name of the group was changed to the American League for Peace and Democracy.
The American League Against War and Fascism, though it attempted to attract as broad a following as possible and included members of the Roosevelt administration, was based primarily in the working class and its leadership was largely socialist and communist. By 1937, its Communist Party members boasted that 30 percent of the entire organized labor movement was represented in the League, and labor delegates occupied 413 of the 1416 seats at the national convention. Afro-Americans were also well represented in both the leadership and rank-and-file delegates.
In 1937 the organization changed its name to the American League for Peace and Democracy. Helen Silvermaster was associated with this group. The League dissolved after the 1939 signing of the Hitler-Stalin pact discouraged its non-communist members. Its communist elements then influenced the founding of the American Peace Mobilization front.
—From Wikipedia
Transcriber notes: the publications of Fight presented here are taken from the microfilmed version of the paper. Normally the Marxists Internet Archive attempts to find orginal hard copy of a publication before we consider microfilm. Volunteer Joe Allen, who did the work of bringing these publications to PDF format, also completed the tedious task of building tables of contents for each issues 3 through 12 in 1934. The rest of the issue are presented without tables of contents.
Volume 1, No. 1, November, 1933 [Only fragmentary images available]
Volume 1, No. 2, December, 1933 [Only fragmentary images available]
Volume 1, No. 3, January 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassA Call!
Mellon’s Wars by Harvey O’Connor
49th Street in Wall Street’s Union b J. B . Mathews
Students Betrayed by Robert Morss Lovett
A Seaman Speaks by Frank Ross
Pan-American Conference by Lucille Perry
Campus Fascism by Dr. Addison T. Cutler
The War on Soviet China by Lord Marley
Negro Soldier—Pawn of the Ruling Class by Eugene Gordon
Schools—Not Battleships by John Garvey
War Facts by Frances A. Henson
Haiti and U.S.A. Occupation by Guy Endore
Rehearsal at Chaco by Joseph Gregg
Volume 1, No. 4, February 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassWar Is Near!
Wages And War by W. S. Richards
Puerto Rico: America’s Model Colony by Carmen de la Garza
The Rise Of A Fascist by Anita Brenner
Cuba and Mendieta by Martin Kaye
The N.R.A. by Robert W. Dunn
Dimitrov—Workers’ Hero by David Zablodowsky
Pleasure No End by Robert Forsythe
Enemy At The Rear by Thomas Boyd
Modern Literature and War, Books by Granville Hicks, Pulps by Kenneth Fearing
Hit Munitions Makers!
Fascism in the U.S.A. by Joseph Gregg
Slavery Under Mussolini by Tito Nunzio
Peace Commissions by Irving Adler
Building the League by Ida Dailes
There Are No Angels Backing Us
Volume 1, No. 5, March 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassWords and Deeds
U.S. Court Going Fascist by Dr. George A. Coe
Letter From A German Seaman
Communications Ready for War by Hy Kravif
Stop, Look, Listen!
Federal Drive on Labor by Roger Baldwin
A Farmers’ Meeting by Rob F. Hall
All In Two Days by Emery Balint
Prelude To Castor Oil by Loren Miller
The Italian State by Carmen Haider
What Choice? By Al Hamilton
To An American Workman Dying of Starvation by Genevieve Taggard
Bullets In Latin America by Lucile Perry
J.B. Matthews
Building the League by Ida Dailies
A Letter
Volume 1, No. 6, April 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassPioneers, Builders—Slaves?
Defensive Wars by LeRoy E. Bowman
Editorial Announcement
Wheat, Hogs and Fertilizer by John Strachey
Who Benefited?
Headlines in California by Eleonore Estes
Clash in Far East by Victor A. Yakhontof
Cracking Down on Labor by Louis Colman
CCC Notes by Joseph Miller
Movies to Arms by Carl Dreher
Fascist Court
Mr. President! By M.B. Schnapper
An Army Man’s Story by William H. O’Donnell
Battleships or Schools by Joseph Cohen
Vets Betrayed by Walter Wilson
Building the League by Ida Dailes
In Defense of Our Civil Liberties
Volume 1, No. 7, May 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassGuns Are Ready
The Silver Shirts by Miriam Allen De Ford
The Campus Is Moving by Charles B. Strauss, ’34
Call To Women
Farmers in the Struggle by Rob F. Hall
Died in Vain by Rabbi Jacob Weinstein
Road of Fascism by William Gropper
Wall Street’s Boom by Harry Ross
The Ravens by Martin Anderson Nexo
Wheels of War by Charles Mordant
Poets in wartime by Isidor Schneider
Negro in the Civil War b y Eugene Gordon
Congress Prepares for War by Harvey O’Connor
Theater as a Weapon by Charles R. Walker
Merchant Seaman by James Green
Building the League by Ida Dailes
May Day/Cleveland Are You There?
Volume 1, No. 8, June 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassHunger And Death
Social Insurance—H.R. 7598 by Maxwell S. Stewart
Song Contest
Lipstick Bullets by Dorothy Ault
Barbusse Writes
An Appeal to Women by Camille Drevet
Iowa Farmers by Ben Field
Women And The Next war by C.A. Hathaway
Swords Over Asia by Langston Hughes
The Greatest Mother In The World by Joseph Funnel
May Day in Germany by Anna Schultz
Munitions—Racket or Capitalism by C. Hartley Gratian
In Accents of Death! By James T. Farrell
Birthright by Francis H. Rarig
The Veterans of ’76 by W.S. Richards
Why the Y’s by James Lerner
Japan’s Competitive Exports by Winifred L. Chappel
Kuomintang China by John Phillips
Who Makes The Guns? by Grace Hutchins
World Affiliation
Building the League by Ida Dailes
To Our New Readers
Volume 1, No. 9, July 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassFall In! Call For U.S. Congress Against War And Fascism
The Red Cross by Joseph Funnel
Nazi Camps by Colston E. Warn
Song Contest
Fascism and Race Hatred by Harry F. Ward
Save Thaelman! The Life of an Anti-Fascist
The Small Town by Rev. R. Lester Mondale
Pie In The Sky
To Longshoreman by Peter King
Kiangan in the Philippines by a Soldier
Women under Hitler by Margaret E. Forsyth
Muck and Arms by Quincy Howe
Divide And Rule by Rabbi Benjamin Goldstein
&8220;M-Day” by Harold Ward
World Events by Margaret Schlauch
American Fascists by Carmen Haider
Chaco by Joseph Gregg
Building the League by Ida Dailes
Volume 1, No. 10, August 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph Pass20 Years After
Officer’s Row by Josephine Garwood
Songs! Songs!
“War Babies” by Harry Ross
Cost of World War
War and Teachers by LeRoy E. Bowman
U.S. War Budget 1934
Railroad Labor by Len DeCaux
Breeding Fascists Down South by James M. Shields
Negroes in the World War: A Personal Record by Eugene Gordon
Paris Congress
War Clouds Over New Jersey by Richard Stuart
Roosevelt Visits Hawaii by Samuel Weinman
On The Farm by Ben Field
From Roman Rolland
Building the League by Ida Dailes
World War/Herr Hitler
Volume 1, No. 11, September 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph PassClose Ranks by Robert Morss Lovett
Fascism Over America by William B. Spofford
Out of Their Own Mouths by George R. Leighton
The ‘Frisco Strike by Eleanor Estes
Anti-War Congress by Earl Browder
To Pacifists by Gabrielle Duchene
Break Through The Terror
Russia Fights For Peace by A.A. Heller
Babouk—Haitian Revolution by Guy Endore
Hitler and the Jews by Rabbi Benjamin Goldstein
Espionage Laws by Charles Recht
To Trade Unionist by Elmer Brown
Program of the American League Against War & Fascism
Building the League by Ida Dailes
Two Fronts
Volume 1, No. 12, October 1934
FIGHT Against War and Fascism
Published by American League Against War and Fascism in
New York City, Editor: Joseph Pass
Volume 2, No. 1, November, 1934
Volume 2, No. 2, December, 1934
Volume 2, No. 3, January, 1935
Volume 2, No. 4, February, 1935
Volume 2, No. 5, March, 1935
Volume 2, No. 6, April, 1935
Volume 2, No. 7, May, 1935
Volume 2, No. 8, June, 1935
Volume 2, No. 9, July, 1935
Volume 2, No. 10, August, 1935
Volume 2, No. 11, September, 1935
Volume 2, No. 12, October, 1935
Volume 3, No. 1, November, 1935
Volume 3, No. 2, December, 1935
Volume 3, No. 3, January, 1936
Volume 3, No. 5, March, 1936
Volume 3, No. 6, April, 1936
Volume 3, No. 7, May, 1936
Volume 3, No. 8, June, 1936
Volume 3, No. 9, July, 1936
Volume 3, No. 11, September, 1936
Volume 3, No. 12, October, 1936
Volume 4, No. 1, November, 1936
The Unknown Soldier by Hugo Gellert
The Brussels Congress by Margaret Forsyth
For The Spanish Republic by John Groth
On the Home Front by Harry Gottlieb
Air Raid by M. Pass
I Was in Spain by James Lerner
Two Lithographs by Louis Lozowic
The Tree of Life by Art Young
Waver by Thomas Hickey
Mexico by Maurice Becker
Hop it, the Cop! by Pearl Binder.
Volume 4, No. 1, November, 1936, Section 2
Volume 4, No. 2, December, 1936
Volume 4, No. 3, January, 1937
Volume 4, No. 4, February, 1937
Volume 4, No. 5, March, 1937
Volume 4, No. 6, April, 1937
Volume 4, No. 7, May, 1937
Volume 4, No. 8, June, 1937
Volume 4, No. 9, July, 1937
Volume 4, No. 10, August, 1937
Volume 4, No. 10, August, Section 2 1937
Volume 4, No. 11, September, 1937
Volume 4, No. 12, October, 1937
Volume 5, No. 1, November, 1937
Volume 5, No. 2, December, 1937
Volume 5, No. 3, January, 1938
Volume 5, No. 4, February, 1938
Volume 5, No. 5, March, 1938
Volume 5, No. 6, April, 1938
Volume 5, No. 7, May, 1938
Volume 5, No. 8, June, 1938
Volume 5, No. 11, September, 1938
Volume 5, No. 12, October, 1938
Volume 6, No. 1, November, 1938
Volume 6, No. 2, December, 1938
Volume 6, No. 3, January, 1939
Volume 6, No. 4, February, 1939
Volume 6, No. 5, March, 1939
Volume 6, No. 6, April, 1939
Volume 6, No. 7, May, 1939
Volume 6, No. 8, June, 1939
Volume 6, No. 9, July, 1939
Last updated on 22 February 2025