Partido ng Manggagawang Pilipino

Philippines Left Merger Announcement


Written by: PMP-Merger;
Published: Kokusaishugi (Internationalism) Vol.5–4 No. 45, Autumn 2002, published by the I.E.G.
Source: I.E.G website, (archived on May 25, 2002); Internet Archive;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin;
Copyright: No specific copyrights.

A Milestone for the Revolutionary Socialist Movement in the Philippines

In a historic step forward for the Philippine left, more than a hundred delegates from three revolutionary parties held a unity congress and formed a unified party, after more than a week of congress debates and deliberations.

The Partido ng Manggagawang Pilipino (PMP), the Sosyalistang Partido ng Paggawa (SPP) and the Partido Proletaryo Demokratiko (PPD) have come together, under a new program and constitution, to form a new party which is now simply called the Partido ng Manggagawang Pilipino (PMP).

The merger of the three parties, which comes after almost ten years of disunity and splits, is a trail blazer for the revolutionary movement. It will result in the strengthening of the revolutionary forces with the new party now constituting the largest cadre force and mass base in the revolutionary movement.

A group of revolutionary socialists from the Bangsa Moro nation, inspired by the merger process, also joined the congress and are now a part of the united party.

The PMP, PPD and the revolutionary socialists from the Bangsa Moro nation were formerly parts of units of the Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). They split from the CPP in 1993 against the Stalinist/Maoist method of leadership and argued for a congress to sort out the differences within the party (the CPP has held only one congress — its founding congress in 1968). They subsequently argued for a reappraisal of the CPP’s entire program and strategy. The SPP brings together revolutionary forces from the two main revolutionary traditions in the Philippines: the CPP and the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas-1930. (The PKP-1930, which aligned itself with Moscow, was the first revolutionary socialist party in the Philippines. The CPP split from the PKP in 1968 critical of the PKP’s class collaborationist and opportunist politics.).

The merger is a product of some ten years of clarification of the views and line-of-march of our forces after the split from the CPP in 1993.

The merger process was co-ordinated by a Pre-Congress Committee which was set up in August 2001 by the leadership of the PMP and the SPP. The PPD subsequently joined the PCC. The basis for the merger was stated in a PCC statement announcing the beginning of the merger talks. There was unity on ideological questions in the framework of Marxism-Leninism and a high level of political unity. It was emphasised that there was a political imperative for the revolutionary forces to unite and lead the major upheavals which would inevitably result from the social and political crisis facing the country.

The PCC also outlined the points of difference between the parties. The differences included the nature of the transition to socialism, the relationship of the party to the peasant struggles and others. The PCC oversaw a rich pre-congress discussion during which the parties positions were debated in written form through an internal discussion bulletin.

The PCC presented a draft unity program and constitution to the congress. These documents were adopted unanimously, with minor amendments. Almost two days were also set aside for lively debates around the outstanding issues of differences. These issues entailed further clarification and fine-tuning of basic unities that already existed on these questions, which were reflected in the program. These issues will continue to be debated and discussed within the united party.

A new Central Committee was elected, unifying the forces under a single, united leadership.

August 5, 2002.