National Democratic Front of the Philippines



Written by: National Democratic Front;
Published: Adopted by the NDF National Conference of Representatives in July 1994;
Source: Website of the NDFP;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin;
Copyright: No specific copyrights.


WE, the allied organizations belonging to the patriotic and progressive classes and sectors, hereby constitute ourselves into the National Democratic Front. Inspired by the proud heritage of our people's revolutionary struggle against foreign and domestic oppressors, we are resolved to continue the unfinished struggle for national liberation and democracy at a new and higher level through people's war, in order to overthrow the unjust and violent social system dominated by US imperialism and its comprador-landlord agents and realize our people's aspirations for a sovereign, just, independent, progressive and prosperous nation.

Name, Emblem, Flag and Anthem

Section 1. The official name of the alliance is National Democratic Front – Philippines (NDF) or Pambansang Demokratikong Prente ng Pilipinas (PDPP). "Philippines" or "Pilipinas" may be dropped only if the context in which the name is used is clear.

Section 2. The emblem of the NDF is a white equilateral triangle with a gold star at each corner and the gold initials of the NDF at the center circumscribed by a blue circular band on which the name National Democratic Front – Philippines is written.

Section 3. The flag of the NDF is divided into two fields, red on top and blue on the bottom. Superimposed at the center is a white equilateral triangle with a gold star at each corner and the gold initials of the NDF at the center. The NDF flag expresses continuity of the revolutionary traditions which gave birth to the Philippine national flag.

Section 4. The NDF shall adopt its own anthem.

General Revolutionary Principles

The NDF stands for the following general principles:

Section 1. The Philippine revolution is a national-democratic revolution with a socialist perspective and under the class leadership of the proletariat through the Communist Party of the Philippines (MLMZT).

Section 2. The central task of the Philippine revolution is to overthrow the rule of imperialists and the local reactionary comprador big bourgeois and landlord classes and the establishment of a democratic people's republic.

Section 3. Only the power of the people forged through a national united front and upholding the people's war can defeat the rule of US imperialism and its local reactionary agents and establish a new democratic order. The revolutionary united front can be built only with the leadership of the working class, on the foundation of the basic workerpeasant alliance, drawing in the urban petty bourgeoisie as additional basic force and further drawing in the national bourgeoisie as an additional positive force, taking advantage of the splits among the reactionary classes in order to isolate and destroy the most reactionary clique at every given period.

Section 4. In a semicolonial and semifeudal society, armed struggle is the principal form of revolutionary struggle. In the most appropriate way, reactionary political power is destroyed and red political power is established by the people. Legal and other forms of struggle - essential but secondary - are linked to the armed struggle.

Section 5. The Philippine revolution is being advanced as an internationalist duty, contributing all it can to the liberation of humankind from the scourge of imperialism and all reaction. The advance of the anti-imperialist struggle and united front worldwide is necessary for the total victory of the Philippine revolution. We wage our people's war in line with the principle of self-reliance while we call for international support from friendly peoples and revolutionary forces abroad in the face of escalating US intervention and threat of all-out aggression.

Aims and Purposes

The NDF resolutely pursues the following aims and purposes:

Section 1. Advance and complete the national-democratic revolution and pursue the socialist revolution.

Section 2. Uphold, propagate and implement the 12-Point Program of the NDF.

Section 3. Serve as a framework for building and developing the unity, cooperation and coordination of the allied organizations within the NDF.

Section 4. Develop cooperation and various types of relations with other progressive forces that are not within the formal framework of the NDF.

Section 5. Expand and develop relations and cooperation with revolutionary parties and organizations and other friendly forces abroad. Lay the foundation for diplomatic relations with foreign governments and international agencies prior to the establishment of the provisional revolutionary government at the national level.

General Program

The NDF upholds the program of uniting the democratic classes and special sectors of society for the revolutionary struggle against US imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. This program includes the following points:

Section 1. Unite the people for the task of overthrowing the semicolonial and semifeudal system through people's war and completing the national democratic revolution;

Section 2. Prepare the way for the establishment of a people's democratic republic and a democratic coalition government;

Section 3. Strengthen the people's army and the people's defense system;

Section 4. Uphold and promote the people's democratic rights;

Section 5. Terminate all unequal relations with the United States and all other imperialist powers and foreign entities;

Section 6. Implement a genuine agrarian reform program, promote agricultural cooperation, develop rural production and employment through modernization of agricultural and rural industrialization, and ensure agricultural sustainability;

Section 7. Dismantle the dominance of the US and other imperialists and the big comprador-landlords over the economy, implement a program of national industrialization, and ensure an independent and self-reliant economy;

Section 8. Implement a comprehensive and progressive social program;

Section 9. Promote and develop a national, scientific and progressive mass culture;

Section 10. Uphold the rights of the Bangsa Moro people, the Cordillera people and other indigenous peoples to self-determination and democracy;

Section 11. Advance the revolutionary emancipation of women in all spheres; and

Section 12. Adopt an active, independent and peaceful foreign policy.

Organizational Principles and Policies

Section 1. The NDF is an alliance of all patriotic and progressive organizations adhering to its Constitution and Program. It fosters the unity, cooperation and coordination among the allied organizations.

Section 2. The NDF respects the basic principles, organizational integrity and discipline as well as the independence and initiative of each of the allied organizations in advancing its revolutionary cause and objectives.

Section 3. The NDF applies the principle of equal representation of the allied organizations. The allied organizations enjoy equal representation in the National Conference and the National Council, as well as in conferences and consultations at lower levels (regional, provincial, district, city and municipality).

Section 4. The multilateral relations within the NDF respect existing bilateral relations of the allied organizations. The New People's Army is under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Section 5. The NDF unites and harmonizes the relations of allied organizations. It shall not set the alliance in conflict with any bonafide allied organization. And definitely, the name or the common strength of the NDF shall not be used against the principle of working class leadership in the revolutionary united front.

Section 6. The NDF adheres to the democratic processes through consultations and consensus.

6.1 Decisions shall be made on the basis of consensus after free and thorough discussions. Agreements shall be made up to the extent that these are possible. Disagreements shall either be laid aside, resolved on the basis of the least common denominator or left to the independence and initiative of the allied organizations.

6.2 Between meetings of the leading organs of the NDF, consultations among the allied organizations shall be enhanced.

Section 7. All members of the leading councils and officers of the NDF shall serve the people wholeheartedly, study concrete conditions constantly, conduct work competently, act as models in observing the constitution and in implementing the general program, seek truth from facts, practice criticism and self-criticism and accept supervision from the masses.

Section 8. The NDF adheres to the right of recall. The allied organizations can change their respective representatives in the National Council. The principle of recall shall apply to representatives of allied organizations elected as executive officers; however, the power to elect the replacement remains with the National Council of the entire alliance.

Allied Organizations

Section 1. The NDF includes as its constituent organizations all those represented in the founding national conference, as well as organizations that shall join thereafter.

Section 2. Any organization adhering to the NDF Program and Constitution can join the NDF upon the consent of the allied organizations.

Section 3. There shall be no direct membership of individuals, cells and small groups not belonging to any allied organization.

3.1 Individuals, cells and small groups shall be encouraged to join any of the NDF allied organizations. Individuals, cells and small groups may build their own organization that can join the NDF directly.

3.2 The NDF National Council may invite outstanding individuals to become members, provided such individuals represent a significant interest, trend or mass supporters of significant value to the revolutionary movement and if they are willing to come under the discipline of the NDF, provided the number of such individuals shall not exceed 10 percent of the entire number of the membership of the National Council.

Section 4. Allied organizations have the following rights:

4.1 Enjoy equal representation in the NDF;

4.2 Enjoy respect for integrity, independence and initiative;

4.3 Have free and full participation of their respective representatives in meetings and other activities of the NDF;

4.4 Participate in political education and other training courses necessary for the effective implementation of the tasks of the NDF;

4.5 Recommend such parties and organizations as may join the NDF as well as such outstanding individuals as may become members of the NDF National Council;

4.6 Have representatives elect and be elected to positions in the NDF;

4.7 Be informed of the decisions of the leading organs and developments within the NDF in its entirety;

4.8 Offer proposals to and criticism of any allied organization, provided the issue pertains to the NDF and does not infringe upon the integrity, independence and initiative of the allied organization concerned; and

4.9 Appeal any decision of the National Council and the National Conference of the NDF, and abstain from implementing decisions with which it does not agree.

Section 5. Allied organizations shall have the following duties:

5.1 Foster revolutionary unity and strength among allied organizations within the NDF and among the Filipino people;

5.2 Uphold and propagate the NDF 12-Point Program and Constitution;

5.3 Support and implement the programs, policies, and decisions of leading NDF organs;

5.4 Perform tasks conscientiously and correct mistakes and weaknesses so that work will improve;

5.5 Safeguard the security of the NDF and all its allied organizations;

5.6 Help generate political, material, technical, financial, and personnel support and services for the revolutionary struggle;

5.7 Help any allied organization in need of support; and

5.8 Preserve the integrity and prestige of the NDF and all its allied organizations.

Section 6. Any allied organization is free to withdraw from the NDF at any time. A written explanation of the reasons for the withdrawal shall be required.

Section 7. Through the National Conference or National Council, the allied organizations may withdraw recognition of any allied organization as member on the following grounds: gross violation of the NDF Constitution and Program and acts that undermine the unity and integrity of the NDF.

7.1 Such withdrawal of recognition from an allied organization shall be according to due process.

The Structure of the NDF

Section 1. The general structure of the NDF consists of the conference and council of representatives of the allied organizations at the national level, and the conferences and consultations at lower levels. Abroad, conferences and councils may be formed by representatives of chapters of allied organizations in countries or global regions.

Section 2. The National Conference is the highest assembly of the NDF. Its decisions are governed by the principle of consensus, independence and initiative of the allied organizations.

2.1 The National Conference consists of the representatives of the allied organizations as well as outstanding individuals who may be invited to the National Council, provided their number shall not exceed 10 percent of its membership.

2.2 The National Conference shall have the following tasks:

2.2.1 Ratify and amend the NDF Constitution and Program, subject to the approval of the allied organizations;

2.2.2 Decide on the number of officers of the National Council and affirm the representatives of each allied organization in the Council;

2.2.3 Receive and approve reports from the National Council, National Executive Committee and General Secretariat;

2.2.4 Review, approve, alter or repeal the decisions of the previous National Conference, National Council, National Executive Committee and General Secretariat; and

2.2.5 Decide on new organizations seeking to join the alliance.

2.3 The National Conference shall hold regular session every three years. Under special circumstances, the succeeding Conference may be convened before its due date.

Section 3. The National Council shall be the highest policy-making body of the NDF between National Conferences. Its policy decisions shall be subject to review and confirmation by the National Conference and ratification by the allied organizations.

3.1 The National Council shall be composed of an equal number of representatives of the allied organizations and such outstanding individuals as may be invited

by the Council to become its members, provided these do not exceed 10 percent of the membership of the Council.

3.2 The National Council shall exercise the following functions and powers:

3.2.1 Formulate policies, plans and other decisions in accordance with the NDF Program and Constitution.

3.2.2 Call the National Conference;

3.2.3 Submit reports and proposals to the National Conference;

3.2.4 Approve the entry of new organizations and invite outstanding individuals for inclusion in the National Council, upon the agreement of the allied organizations;

3.2.5 Elect the National Executive Committee;

3.2.6 Ensure overall guidance over the convening of conferences and consultations at lower levels;

3.2.7 Establish staff committees to take charge of important spheres of NDF work; and

3.2.8 Represent the national democratic movement here and abroad with the explicit consent of the allied organizations.

Section 4. The National Executive Committee (NEC) shall ensure collective leadership of the NDF between meetings of the National Council.

4.1 It shall be composed of five members, including the chairperson, the vicechairperson and the secretary general.

4.2 The NEC shall perform the following powers and functions:

4.2.1 Decide on matters that require immediate action under the guidance of the Program and Constitution and the policies and decisions of the National Council;

4.2.2 Direct the implementation of plans, campaigns and projects;

4.2.3 Convene regular and special meetings of the National Council;

4.2.4 Submit reports and proposals to the National Council;

4.2.5 Form and direct the work of the General Secretariat;

4.2.6 Direct the committees formed under the National Council for attending to important spheres of work; and

4.2.7 Appoint NDF representatives for international work and for important political initiatives in the Philippines and abroad on the basis of consultations and consensus among the allied organizations.

4.3 Major decisions of the National Executive Committee shall be made on the basis of consensus. Consultations among allied organizations shall be enhanced before and after major issues are decided by the NEC.

4.4 The National Executive Committee shall meet every three months at the minimum.

Section 5. The General Secretariat is the overall administrative staff of the National Council and the National Executive Committee.

5.1 It shall be composed by the general secretary, the deputy general secretary and other personnel necessary for secretariat work.

5.2 The General Secretariat shall administer the day-to-day activities of the NDF. It performs the daily routine functions in propaganda, education, research, finance, communications, special projects and other tasks that may be set by the National Council and the National Executive Committee.

Section 6. At lower levels, the NDF takes the form of conferences and consultations of representatives of allied organizations in the localities, such as the region, province, district, city and municipality.

6.1 Under the general guidance of the National Council and the National Executive Committee, the representatives of the allied organizations at lower levels may convene conferences and consultations to reach a unified position on important political issues, and plan and coordinate united activities within their respective spheres.

Section 7. Abroad, conferences and councils of representatives of chapters of allied organizations in particular countries or global regions and other organizations may be convened upon approval by the leading organ of the NDF.

National Executive Officers

Section 1. The national executive officers of the NDF are the chairperson, the vicechairperson and the secretary general.

Section 2. The chairperson is the highest official of the NDF

2.1 The chairperson presides over meetings of the National Conference, the National Council and the National Executive Committee, and leads the overall work of the NDF.

Section 3. The vice-chairperson assists the chairperson in leading the over-all NDF work.

3.1 The vice-chairperson shall take the place of the chairperson in case the latter is unable to perform his/her duties or functions.

Section 4. The secretary general heads the General Secretariat.

Section 5. Executive officers at all levels may be removed from office by due process on the basis of the following: gross violations of the NDF Constitution, Program and policies; negligence; abandonment of duty; and abuse of authority.

5.1 Any NDF hearing of disciplinary action against any officer shall not impede or prevent a similar hearing within the allied organization which such officer represents.

Publications, News Agency and Radio Broadcast

Section 1. The official publication of the NDF is Liberation which shall be published in English and Filipino. These shall be published by the National Council and their editors shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee.

1.1 Liberation International is the official publication of the NDF abroad. It is also published by the National Council.

Section 2. The official news agency of the NDF is Balita ng Malayang Pilipinas (BMP).

Section 3. The official radio broadcast of the NDF is Radio Sierra Madre.

Section 4. The National Council may establish or issue other publications as it may deem necessary.


Section 1. Through their representatives in the National Conference or National Council, the allied organizations decide on the amount of contributions that they shall make to the general fund of the NDF.

There shall be a minimum contribution to be paid uniformly and additional variable contributions based on the ability to pay or size of membership.

1.1 The allied organization shall also propose such measures as will further raise funds and resources for the NDF.

Section 2. The NDF shall systematically collect contributions from Philippine and foreign sources as well as from the allied organizations.

2.1 It shall also assist the organs of political power and people's army in collecting contributions and taxes and shall receive a reasonable portion of these as may be agreed upon within the NDF.

Section 3. Finance management shall be the responsibility of the finance committee under the leadership of the National Council.

3.1 Annual and special audits shall be performed under the guidance of the National Council.

3.2 Financial reports and records shall be open to the scrutiny of NDF officers and the representatives of the allied organizations at any time.

Ratification and Amendments

Section 1. This constitution shall be approved by a national conference of the representatives of the constituent allied organizations at the national level and shall further be approved by the central leadership of each of these constituent organizations in order to complete the process of ratification.

Section 2. The National Conference or a special conference shall have the power to amend the provisions of this constitution, subject to the further approval of the central leadership of the allied organizations. #

The Program and Constitution of the NDF was adopted by the NDF National Conference of Representatives in July 1994