
Sabotaging the Path to the Strategic Stalemate

May 16, 2010

Written by: Ka Rosa Fahne;
Published: Bulatlatan, May 16, 2010;
Source: Bulatlatan snapshot at the Internet Archive;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin.

The national circus, called the Philippine national election, is over. In all likelihood, the US-directed Arroyo regime is on its way out of the puppet presidency. And Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Aquino III representing the landlord-comprador factional interests will be the next president of the Philippine puppet republic.

The Party has spent a tremendous amount of manpower, financial and materials resources in the electoral campaign, in the process forging a tactical alliance with the landlord-bureaucrat capitalist Manuel Villar, the Nacionalista Party—and indirectly with the family of the late fascist puppet dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

But unlike the 1985 snap election campaign where despite misgivings of our united front cadres in all levels, this time many of our legal and even underground cadres refused to get on board the patently Right opportunistic policy of forging such an alliance. There is no point of allying our forces with one faction against another when the weakest and diehard is not either candidates but the mad dog, fascist brute, the US-led Arroyo regime who tried might and main to install her grip on the puppet state beyond her constitutional mandate.

In fact, Ibon’s May 4 media briefing in Balay Kalinaw in UP under Pagbabago asserted that the presidential candidate whose platform is closest to the national democratic 10-point program for a people’s democratic revolution is not even Villar’s but that of Jamby Madrigal.

Madrigal’s campaign, however, is doomed to fail because she neither has the financial and organization resources as well as the charisma to mobilize thousands of the oppressed masses who want to oust Arroyo through the electoral circus.

Comrades working with the basic trade unions, youth and students, and the middle forces who are working in the church sector confirmed this writer’s personal observations that while they may not oppose Villar’s candidacy to avert the impression of Party disunity if not disarray, they will support the Aquino faction. Some veteran cadres even likened the situation to the 1986 snap election where the electoral campaign produced tens of thousands of spontaneous activists who campaigned not just for Cory Aquino but to oust hated and highly isolated fascist puppets.

To entice Villar to bring into the fold the national democratic senatoriables, our Party issued an official statement asserting that Villar “seems to be the most patriotic and progressive.” To clinch the deal in exchange for millions of pesos for campaign funds, the senatoriables in treacherous manner offered the command votes of the revolutionary movement’s guerrilla bases and guerrilla zones.

No less than Ka Simon Santiago of the Regional Political Department, Merardo Arce Command inadvertently admitted using our organized forces with a high level of revolutionary consciousness and respects the people’s democratic state to take part in the reactionary electoral circus. http://www.philippinerevolution.net/cgi-bin/statements/stmts.pl?author=smpd;date=100509;lang=eng

Says he on the PCOS issue as posted in the Philippine Revolutionary Web Central, “The NPA, as a matter of policy and as track record shows, fully respects the people’s will in the guerilla base areas especially during this most chaotic election period.”

The people’s will in the guerrilla bases! The Party crème de la crème, the advanced section of the oppressed masses failed to do their role in raising the level of the intermediate elements and to win over the backward elements. Indeed, the Right opportunists within the Party have led (or lowered) the political consciousness of our advanced section among the revolutionary masses to the level to at least the intermediate, but at worse, to the level of the backward masses.

Which brings us to another point. Through great sacrifices and simple living in the homefront, which often created martyrs among our heroic Red Fighters, the New People’s Army withstood the brunt of the worse fascist brutalities in the US-Arroyo regime’s Oplan Bantay Laya I and II. Arroyo will soon bow out, failing to fulfill her promise to crush our people’s army and new democratic revolution.

The CPP Central Committee in its December 26, 2009 statement said we should prepare our protracted people’s war to reach the phase of the strategic stalemate. To accomplish that, we should ideologically, politically and organizationally prepare the Party-led worker and peasant masses in our guerrilla bases and zones for a much higher level of ARMED struggle.

But alas, Arroyo might soon bite the dust with her failed promise, but our Right opportunists have assisted her and the reactionary ruling classes in deflecting our strategic march towards a strategic shift in our revolutionary struggles. By encouraging our organized forces to participate in the 2010 elections, these renegades have foisted the illusion that under the automated election system, parliamentarism and reformism have reflected the “people’s will”.

Down with the US-Arroyo regime!

Oppose the US-Aquino regime!

Oppose parliamentarism and the Right opportunists and their running dogs within and outside our proletarian party and reject their ideological, political and organizational bankruptcy!

Away with delusions, advance the protracted armed struggle to the higher stage of the strategic stalemate!

Ka Rosa Fahne