
People’s War Not Trapo Wars!

April 10, 2010

Written by: Rosendo Monteroso, dated March 29, 2010
Published: Bulatlatan, April 10, 2010;
Source: Bulatlatan snapshot at the Internet Archive;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin.

We have all the reasons to celebrate now the 41st Anniversary of the New People’s Army. All the murderous fascist attacks and attempts by the US-Arroyo Regime in the last eight years to completely demolish it have utterly failed. All the challenges the NPA faced since its establishment in 1969, the onslaughts of the US-Marcos Dictatorship to ‘nip it in the bud’; the Total War of Noynoy’s mother that employed Fujimori’s Low-Intensity-Conflict in the country; the psy-war strategies of Fidel “tabako” Ramos; the counterrevolutionary “peace” initiatives of the plunderer Erap have all been defeated because it consistently championed the struggle of the Filipino masses for national and social liberation and it continuously gained the Filipino people’s support.

At this very important juncture, wherein our people’s war is steadily building strength to strike a balance of terror with the fascist AFP and its imperialist masters, we should exert all efforts to win every battle and accumulate armed capabilities to bring us to the strategic stalemate with the reactionary state and its security forces. We shall pin down our enemy in all our 120 guerilla fronts while we are vigorously expanding to sixty more guerilla fronts in the coming years. We are sure and optimistic that the enemy can no longer turn back the tide against our revolutionary build up.

The NPA’s victorious tactical offensives of recent months, such as the victorious ambush on AFP troops in Mindoro Oriental, the successful raid on the Cafgu detachment in North Cotabato, have proven its current strength and tactical ingenuity in bleeding the enemy severely and making them pay for their fascist crimes. All the myths of the AFP leadership and its psywar experts that the armed revolutionary forces “are fast declining” have been totally dispelled and proven wrong.

The shining path to victory has already been cleared. Only the growing strength of our people’s war could change the balance of forces and bring down the reactionary state and its armed minions to its knees. We call on all comrades to concentrate all forces, all resources, all efforts for the forward advance of our armed struggle in big strides.

The present pre-occupation of some comrades in the futile participation in reactionary elections have dissipated our forces and resources between two major arenas. What makes it worse is the opportunistic conduct of the electoral struggle that tied our hands to compromises with a major faction of the bureaucrat capitalists (Villar-Marcos) that is now confusing the masses and our progressive allies. The right opportunists among our ranks have committed our organized masses to support a reactionary political party and its presidential candidate that is an outrightly corrupt traditional politician with a pending plunder case in the Senate.

When Bayan Muna initially championed our national democratic politics in the open political arena, we were all happy with the results. Our expansion work in the urbanized areas and cities were unprecedented. Our capability for political mobilizations were tripled and enabled us to regain our political leadership in the urban mass movements. However, Bayan Muna’s wrongly placed “dual-tactics”, which practically meant double-faced dealings among all reactionary factions have put us all to shame. It has placed our credibility on the edge before the public and before our allies.

In Negros Island, Bayan Muna Congressman Dedoro’s opportunistic dealings with TRAPOS caused the resignation of forty three party cadres and members in the urban areas. He earned an infamous pseudonym “King Cong” (King Congressman) for amassing financial collections from trapos at the cost of political integrity. In the national capital region, a significant number of seasoned Party cadres have expressed disgust and are critical of the electoral misconduct. Very soon, this right opportunist and reformist mistake will exact on us a big political cost similar to the magnitude of the “boycott error” of 1985, not to mention the huge financial squandering which could have been used instead for the advance of our revolutionary armed struggle.

We should have learned from the past “tactical alliance” with Gloria Arroyo and the Lakas-Kampi Party where we sold our soul to the devil just to win a few partylist seats in the House of Representatives. Now the right opportunists in our midst have done it again, throwing in our mass support behind the bureaucrat capitalists in exchange for a low chance in winning senatorial seats and P52M to be wasted in a futile reactionary electoral contest!

Let us criticize the right opportunists! Let us further advance our people’s war! Let us extricate ourselves from these useless TRAPO wars!