
Leading the Armed Revolution Astray

April 16, 2010

Written by: Ka Rosa Fahne;
Published: Bulatlatan, April 16, 2010;
Source: Bulatlatan snapshot at the Internet Archive;
Markup: Simoun Magsalin.

CPP Chairman Amado Guerrero, aka Armando Liwanag aka. Prof. Jose Maria Sison can still write well as a communist revolutionary. Says he during a recent Bulatlat interview:

“The general character of the electoral contest is determined by the overwhelming predominance of candidates who are themselves big compradors and landlords and who are political agents of the evil forces of foreign monopoly capitalism, domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.”

“The debate among the four major presidential candidates is shallow and superficial. It has not dealt seriously with the basic problems that are the root causes of the oppression and exploitation of the Filipino people. It has trivialized the people’s clamor for change. All the four major candidates are oblivious of the crisis now wracking the world capitalist system and the domestic ruling system due to the US policy dictates of neoliberal globalization and global war of terror.”

Totally true. That should have set the correct proletarian stand, viewpoint and attitude not only on our class enemies but that of the revolutionary forces, both working in the legal and underground, especially those advancing the protracted armed struggle towards the strategic stalemate.

So why are Right opportunists allowed to have their day openly siding with the landgrabber and bureaucrat capitalist Manuel Villar? Why is the proletarian vanguard party officially maintaining an official silent stand on such traitorous, if not downright counterrevolutionary policy?

The traitorous Satur Ocampo and Liza Maza and their so-called tactical alliance have confused, even lead astray, astute veteran communists in the legal national democratic mass movement. A leading academic in a leading state university says on her blog that “this unity (with the puppet and landlord Manuel Villar) on the prosecution of (arch-fascist puppet) Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, exact justice for the human rights victims of the Marcos dictatorship, and to revisit the Visiting Forces Agreement”.

How can these prententious progressives, Judases to the revolutionary cause, running for the puppet senate ignore the warnings and exposés on “Villaroyo”, that is, the outgoing fascist, puppet and bureaucrat capitalist Arroyo is secretly supporting Villar’s candidacy?

Recent developments show this is not a mere black propaganda stunt of the landlord Benigno Aquino III’s public relations handlers. House Speaker Prospero Nograles and Arroyo apologist has “jumped” ship from the Lakas-Kampi presidentiable Gilberto Teodoro Jr. and into Villar’s Nacionalista Party. Nograles even openly criticized their party’s candidate. Another dyed-in-the-wool Arroyo apologist, Mike Defensor, has Villar’s tarpaulin posters plastered in his mayoralty campaign headquarters in Quezon City.

No wonder Lakas-Kampi candidate Teodoro is complaining that his campaign coffer is drying up! It’s not that suddenly that the Arroyo party is out of money. Follow the money, stupid, because the ill-gotten Arroyo funds have beaten a path towards Villar.

The premise of Ocampo and Maza’s Makabayan’s tactical alliance that Villar will exact justice in behalf of the Marcos dictatorship’s human rights victims is belied with the Marcoses’ overwhelming support for Villar’s candidacy.

Moreover, instead of exposing and opposing the connivance between Villar and the fascist Marcos family, the Judas candidates made public pronouncements to justify their entry into the Nacionalista senatorial slate. They have the cheek to gloss over this connivance by deceiving the middle and backward elements among the masses that Villar who promised to “promote” the dictator Marcos into a hero by burying him in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, will work also work in behalf of the Marcos dictatorship’s human rights victims.

Ocampo and Maza bring with them the support of the eight party-list groups under Makabayan—Bayan Muna, Gabriela, Anakpawis, Kabataan, Katribu, Migrante, Courage, and the Alliance of Concerned Teachers. I might add, lead astray these legal parliamentary organizations into being apologists that might eventually shape up towards a US-Villar regime.

After all, Villar promised the Judases that he will review the puppet state’s Visiting Forces Agreement with US imperialism. As even anti-imperialist bourgeois democrats know, the puppet congress has been reviewing the agreement ad nauseam, and always the reactionary congressmen upheld the legislative fiat supporting the agreement and the reactionary Supreme Court—in gross violation of the reactionary 1987 constitution.

Of course, the term “Judas” is appropriate for Ocampo and Maza, as well as those comrades behind them. Despite their efforts to convince the broad masses of the oppressed and exploited Filipino masses that they remain true to revolutionary principles, the real reason is to sell the armed revolutionary struggle for 30 pieces of silver, or millions of pesos of campaign funds from Villar, Arroyo and the Marcoses.

As for Prof. Sison, who remain ensconced in a foreign land away from the homeland and safe from sharing the life-and-death sacrifices of our cadres and Red Fighters, he noted in the Bulatlat interview:

“It would be greatly advantageous for the people and the revolutionary forces if Arroyo would make the foolish mistake of keeping herself in power beyond June 2010. Such a mistake would further inflame the broad masses of the people to rebel and boost the strategic plan of the revolutionary forces to advance from strategic defensive to strategic stalemate in the people’s war.”

That might be true. The question though is: who is more in a position to cheat? The masses know it was the fascist Arroyo who stole the presidential and senatorial elections in 2004, as amply exposed in the notorious “Hello Garci” call.

Can the proletarian party expect to lead the inflamed spontaneous masses to rebel against Arroyo and Villar when the Judases hitched their wagon to Villar who is lagging behind in poll surveys? When it is Arroyo who still controls the intelligence services of the puppet military?

The protracted people’s war can only advance towards the strategic stalemate if the proletarian party cleanses its ranks with Right opportunists who are leading the masses towards bourgeois parliamentarism.

Expose, oppose, and cleanse our revolutionary united front of Right opportunists who are bent on deceiving the masses and deodorizing bourgeois parliamentarism!

Persevere in advancing the protracted people’s war towards the strategic stalemate!

Ka Rosa Fahne