The Worker January 1916

Clyde Delegates Visit the Mersey

Source: The Worker, No. 2, 15, January 1916, p. 2, by D.S.M;
Transcribed: by Ted Crawford.

Two delegates from the C.W.C. paid a visit to Liverpool and Birkenhead last week. Five meetings were held during the three days’ stay. The Cotton Porters’ Union (Liverpool branch) was addressed by Comrade Tom Milligan, two branches of the A.S.E. by Comrade D.S. Morton, and two meetings at Camell Lairds, Birkenhead, one at the shipyard, and one at the engine shop were addressed by both delegates.

This district has good material for a committee on the same basis as the C.W.C., and, in fact, an attempt has been made to organise one, viz. – “The Liverpool and Birkenhead Vigilance Committee,” with a very energetic Secretary in Bro. Fitton, of the A.S.E. This comrade deserves much more support than he gets; but we trust the appeal made by the Glasgow comrades will have the desired effect. That there is a fighting spirit in the Liverpool area may be understood when we inform our readers that the men in the engineering industry in this district work a 47 hours week, the reduction in hours being granted after a one-day strike, and with no reduction in pay. Although 45 hours was the original demand, we think the step from 53 to 47 is a good part of the journey. We trust that our Mersey comrades will see to the organising of the Vigilance Committee, and carry on their fight, dictating more and more the conditions under which they will labour, until the time comes when they will be in a position to demand the full control of the industry.


The Clyde Workers’ Committee meets every Saturday at 4.30 the Good Templars’ Hall, Ingram Street, Glasgow.