MIA: Comintern Archive: Italy

Communist Party of Italy (PCI)


Antonio Gramsci

Fraternal Greetings to the Communist Unity Convention, the founding of the Communist Party of Great Britain, July 1920

The Italian People's Struggle Against Mussolini and Hitler for Peace and Freedom, 1942

Last Letters of Communist Partisans, 1943-44

For the Martyrs of March 24, April 1944

Paris Liberated by the Patriots, August 1944

New Party, April 1945

Workers! Partisans! Italians!, April 1945

Vile Attack on Togliatti, July 1948

The Government is Responsible, July 1948

Gloria Eterna a Giuseppe Stalin!, March 7, 1953

The Communist Contribution to the Resistance, 1955

In the War of Liberation, Pietro Secchia 1977



Palmiro Togliatti


Antonio Gramsci (biography)

Amadeo Bordiga (biography)

Palmiro Togliatti (biography)

Pietro Secchia (biography)

Enrico Berlinguer




The Salerno Turning Point by Pietro Secchia 1975.

What Is Eurocommunism? by Manuel Azcárate.

How European are the Italian Eurocommunists?, interview with Altiero Spinelli, 1978


Last updated on 28 February 2025