MIA: Comintern Archive: CP Great Britain: CPGB Documents Archive

Pollitt and Gollan


How the Workers Can Win Power? The answer is that a workers’ revolution can do it. But that revolution is not a single spontaneous act, coming like a bolt from the blue. It is a continuous process. It begins with victorious struggles of workers uniting to win their elementary demands: the struggle against wage cuts, the struggle against high rents, the struggle against speed-up and wholesale dismissals. The fight against hunger is the fight against the capitalist class. The fight against Fascism and War is the fight against the capitalist class. The struggle for colonial liberation is the fight against the capitalist class.

“By every victory in that struggle on a united front against the capitalist class, the workers step by step develop unity, power and organisation. Bit by bit the workers become more and more conscious of what they have to do and how they can do it. Out of their own ranks there develops in the course of struggle a working-class party that can be the vanguard of the fight, that can lead the whole class in its day to day struggles and therefore in the final struggle for the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of the workers’ rule. This party is the Communist Party.”—For Soviet Britain


Comintern Statements:
  1919: Capitalist England — Socialist Russia

  1925: Against British Capitalism in Egypt, Eastern Bureau of the Comintern
  1925: Factory Nuclei Re-organization, Osip Piatnitsky

Internal Party Communication:
  1920: The Threatened War Against Russia

National Congresses:
  1924: Sixth Congress
  1949: Twenty-First Congress
  1957: Twenty-Fifth Congress

Central Committee:
  1932: The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain

  1938: Report to the Central Committee to the Fifteenth Party Congress
           Speeches to the Fifteenth CPGB Congress, September 1938, Harry Pollitt

  1943: (Draft) Constitution of the Communist Party of Great Britain

  1949: (Draft) The Socialist Road for Britain

  1956: Lessons of the Twentieth Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Executive Committee Members:
   1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1957 | 1959

Public Statements:
  1920: Towards the Revolution: Our Policy

  1922: A United Front Against the Capitalist Enemy

  1923: Stop the March to Ruin
  1923: The Struggle of the Workers: The Way to Victory

  1940: Manifesto of the Communist Party of Great Britain

  1966: New Britain, People's Britain

Education for Party Members:
  1923: Handbook for Party Members — No. 1 Organisation

  1937: Four Lesson CourseCommunist Theory Series, No. 1

  1955: Forging the Weapon: A Handbook for Members of the Communist Party
           Literature as a Political Weapon
           Our Aim is Socialism
           The Communist Party and the Role of the Branches
           The Role of the Communist Party

  1962: Our Aim is Socialism

  1965: The Role of the Communist Party

  1925: The Errors of Trotskyism: A Symposium

  1926: The Reds and the General Strike

  1946: Marxism: An Introductory Course in Five Parts
  (5 separate pamphlets published between 1946-49)

  1953: Five women tell their story

  1963: London Landmarks

  1969: The Communist View

  1976: Farming to feed Britain, by Wilf Page

  1985: Was Gramsci a Eurocommunist?, by Robert Griffiths

  1920-3: The Communist
  (Weekly newspaper of the Communist Party)

  1923-__: The Workers’ Weekly
  (Weekly newspaper of the Communist Party)

  1921-4: Communist Review
  (Monthly journal of the Communist Party)

  See more in Periodicals Index

Party Programmes:
  1924: Draft Programme of the C.P.G.B. to the Comintern

  1929: Class Against Class: General Election Programme of the Communist Party

  1935: For Soviet Britain

  1949: (Draft) The Socialist Road for Britain

  1951: The British Road to Socialism

  1955: A Policy for Britain: General Election Programme of the Communist Party

  1958: The British Road to Socialism

  1968: The British Road to Socialism

  1977: The British Road to Socialism

   * * * * * * 

  [In 1988 expelled members of the CPGB established the Communist Party of Britain (CPB)]
  1989: The British Road to Socialism
  2001: Britain’s Road to Socialism
  2011: Britain’s Road to Socialism


Last updated on 14 February 2025