First Congress of the Communist International

Proposal to Constitute the Third International

Source: Theses Resolutions and Manifestos of the First Four Congress of the Third International, translated by Alix Holt and Barbara Holland. Ink Links 1980;
Transcribed: by Andy Blunden.

4 March 1919

The representatives of the Communist Party of German Austria, the left social-democratic party of Sweden, the Balkan social-democratic revolutionary labour federation, and the Communist Party of Hungary move a proposal to found the Communist International.

1 The importance of the struggle for the dictatorship of the proletariat requires a single, close-knit, international organisation of all Communists who agree with this platform.

2 The organisation of such a centre is all the more our duty at the present time because an attempt is being made in Berne to recreate the old opportunist International and reunite all the confused and wavering elements of the proletariat, and similar attempts may be made elsewhere in the future. This is why it is essential to draw a sharp distinction between the revolutionary proletarian elements and the social-traitors.

3 Were the conference in session in Moscow not to found the Third International the conclusion might be drawn that the Communist Parties are not in accord. This would weaken our position and deepen the confusion among the irresolute proletarian elements in all countries.

4 The constitution of the Third International is therefore, undoubtedly, an historic necessity and must be realised by the Communist conference in session in Moscow.