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A.J. Muste

Workers Party Sends Letter to P.P.

(16 March 1935)

From The New Militant, Vol. I No. 13, 16 March 1935, p. 1.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’ Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

The following letter calling for the “further unification of the revolutionary forces” has been seat to the Proletarian Party by the Workers Party:

* * *

Proletarian Party of the U.S.
c-o John Keracher, National Secy.
Chicago, Ill.


On December 1–2, 1934, the Communist League of America (Trotskyists) and the American Workers Party held a unity convention in New York City. The Workers Party of the United States was formally launched by the merger of these two organizations on the basis of a Declaration of Principles and Constitution which had been formulated by joint committees and unanimously adopted in the conventions of the two organizations preceding the unity convention.

We regard it as a noteworthy development that after a decade of splits and disintegration in the revolutionary movement, two organizations: should have set an example of unification on the basis of a thorough-going Marxist and Leninist program.

The problem of unifying all healthy revolutionary forces in the United States is of the utmost urgency and importance. The mobilization of the left progressive forces in the unions, the organization of the masses in the basic industries and of the unemployed, the waging of effective strike struggles in the big industries, the combating of Fascism and war, as well as the rallying of revolutionary forces throughout the world, after a period of demoralization and defeat, for a victorious attack upon capitalism and imperialism – the achievement of all these depends in large measure upon the building of an effective revolutionary party in the United States. Delay in unifying the revolutionary elements, and especially those which are already agreed on accepting neither the Socialist party nor the Communist party, the Second International nor the Third, is dangerous and may be fatal. On the other hand, further positive steps toward this goal will have an electrifying effect upon the working class in the United States and throughout the world.

We present herewith copy of the Declaration of Principles and Constitution of the Workers Party of the United States for your immediate consideration. We believe that you are in agreement with this proposition. If you are, it should not be difficult to initiate a serious objective discussion on this urgent question of further unification of the revolutionary forces, thus providing added impetus to the building of the new revolutionary party and the new international.


For Political Committee W.P.U.S.
Fraternally yours,
A.J. MUSTE, National Secretary

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