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Letter of thanks from Alain Krivine

(August 1968)

From The Militant, Vol. 32 No. 38, 28 September 1968, p. 2.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

The following letter was sent to The Militant, Aug. 26, by Alain Krivine, the French revolutionary student leader, a few days after he and eight other former members of the Revolutionary Communist Youth (JCR) were provisionally released from prison. They face up to two years in jail if tried and convicted on the charge of “reconstituting” the JCR. The JCR was outlawed by de Gaulle for its role in leading student demonstrations this spring.

* * *

As we leave prison, in the name of all my comrades, I must send you our fraternal thanks for the magnificent solidarity campaign you organized for our release. We knew of your campaign in prison and it was a great support for us.

Our provisional release was the result of this international campaign and the manifold actions carried out in France. All the student left organizations in our country, with the exception of the UEC [Union des Etudiants Communistes – Union of Communist Students – the Communist Party youth organization] put the authorities on notice that there would be no resumption of classes unless the repression was halted. Our release is an initial victory, but the repression continues. Hundreds of foreign nationals have been expelled from France, thousands of workers have lost their jobs, and the revolutionary organizations remain banned. It is still possible that we will be brought to trial.

In any case, after the May days an irreversible situation has been produced in France.

A strong revolutionary vanguard exists in this country and our task in the coming months will be to create a powerful Marxist-Leninist organization here. The bourgeoisie and the Stalinists are aghast to see the resurgence of the specter of Trotskyism which Alain Krivine they thought they had liquidated forever. Their troubles are only beginning. The situation has opened up throughout Europe and a revolutionary vanguard is developing.

We know the difficult and courageous fight you are waging in the USA and you have our full solidarity. In particular, we wish you great success in your election campaign for Halstead and Boutelle.


Our most fraternal revolutionary greetings,
A. Krivine

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Last updated: 16 March 2022