ETOL Writers: Martin Abern
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Biography/Bibliography (PDF) [provided by from their Bio-bibliographical sketches of selected Trotskyists page]
October 1928: For The Russian Opposition! Against Opportunism and Bureaucracy in the Workers (Communist) Party (with James P. Cannon & Max Shachtman)
December 1928: The “Ideological” Campaign
January 1929: Vindicating the Trotsky Platform
February 1929: Platform of the Communist Opposition (with James P. Cannon, Max Shachtman & Arne Swabeck)
April 1929: Industrialization and the Peasantry
June 1929: The Building Trades Situation
December 1929: Hoover’s Building Plan Swindle
February 1930: For an International Conference of the Left
March 1930: Mass Unemployment Continues
March 1930: The Proletarian Revolution and the Shooting of Blumkin
March 1930: Unite for the Unemployed!
April 1930: Five Communists Framed
April 1930: Relieve Unemployment – Demand Large-Scale Credits to Soviet Union
June 1930: Back to Lenin! Manifesto to the Rank and File and Seventh National Convention of the C.P.U.S.A. (with James P. Cannon & 5 others)
October 1931: The Government Civil Service Applies Hooverism to the White Collar Slave
October 1931: A Syndicalist Voyage to the Ranks of Stalinism
October 1931: Youth Will Issue Young Spartacus as Organ
November 1931: Build Communist Youth Movement
November 1931: Chinese Masses Develop Struggle Against Exploiters
November 1931: Hail 14 Years of Soviet Rule!
November 1931: Japanese Imperialists Press On
November 1931: Jap War in Manchuria Menaces Soviet & World Proletariat
November 1931: The Meaning of the Elections
November 1931: The Slogan for Long Term Credits
December 1931: Cantonese Continue Capitalist Policy
December 1931: Hoover’s Message to Congress Demonstrates Capitalist Bankruptcy
December 1931: Japanese Achieving Objectives
December 1931: Japanese Intrenched in Manchuria
December 1931: Railroads in Wage Cut Drive
January 1932: The Geneva Disarmament Bluff
January 1932: On the Question of the State
February 1932: The Glass-Steagall Bill – A Measure to Aid the Bankers (as H. Stone)
February 1932: “Reconstruction Finance Commission” Ruse (as H. Stone)
March 1932: The Economic Month (as H. Stone)
January 1933: Help!
February 1933: The Elections and Labor’s Struggle
February 1933: Shall the Revolutionary Students Be Organized into Separate Movements
June 1933: China Receives New U.S. Loan (as H.S.)
June 1933: Industrial Recovery Bill Hits at Workers’ Standards (as H. Stone)
June 1933: The Jobless Movement and Political Parties
November 1933: The Bolshevik Heritage Must Be Preserved in the Struggle Against the Stalinist Revisionists
January 1934: Phila. Food Workers Strike (as Harry Allen)
May 1934: Foundations of a Communist Youth League
October 1938: Ten Year Record of Struggle and Progress
December 1938: Our Press, Organizer and Educator; Twice Weekly!
November 1938: The Appeal Needs Your Aid!
April 1941: One Year of the Workers Party (as Harry Allen)
June 1942: Pearl Buck’s Theory of a “Racial War” (as H. Allen)
June–August 1942: World War I in Retrospect (as H. Allen, series with R. Stone)
July 1942: The “Labor-Management Committees” – A Menace for Labor (as H. Allen)
July 1942: Southern Scab Shops Must Be Organized! (as H. Allen)
July 1942: Which Way for Britain? (as H. Allen)
August 1942: Aircraft Workers Want a Wage Raise! (as H. Allen)
August 1942: Answers Jacoby on Needle Trades (as H. Allen) (letter)
August 1942: Bosses and WLB Deny Western Electric Workers 10¢ Increase (as H. Allen)
August 1942: Scab Contracts and Priorities Swell Jobless (as H. Allen)
August 1942: Tomorrow in America ... If U.S. Imperialism Wins (as H. Allen)
August 1942: WLB Leaves Labor Holding the Bag (as H. Allen)
September 1942: The Black Market – A Disease of the Profit System (as Harry Allen)
September 1942: Make Your Union Leaders Serve Labor, Not the Bosses! (as Harry Allen)
September 1942: Strike Figures Prove That Labor in U.S. Is Ready to Fight for Its Union Rights (as Harry Allen)
October 1942: The Middle Class in Crisis (as Harry Allen)
October 1942: What Is Happening to Civil Liberties in the United States? (as Harry Allen)
October 1942: War Labor Board Devises New Strike-Breaking Scheme (as Harry Allen)
November 1942: Growth of Administration’s Anti-Labor Policy – 1. From Agreement to Decree (as Harry Allen)
November 1942: Growth of Administration’s Anti-Labor Policy – 2. Putting the Handcuffs on Labor (as Harry Allen)
November 1942: Municipal Ownership of Utilities – What Should Labor’s Attitude Be? (as Harry Allen)
November 1942: The American Legion – It Was Organized to Preserve Capitalism (as H. Allen)
December 1942: The American Legion – As Labor-Baiters, They Are 100 Per-Centers (as Harry Allen)
December 1942: The American Legion – It Is an Anti-Labor, Reactionary Organization (as Harry Allen)
December 1942: FEPC Accomplishes Little (as Harry Allen)
December 1942: Railroad Profits Climb High (as Harry Allen)
January 1943: FEPC Hearings Scuttled (as Harry Allen)
January 1943: Job Freezing Order Double Menace for Negro Workers (as Harry Allen)
January 1943: Negroes Sick of Words – and Promises (as Harry Allen)
January 1943: Negro’s Road to Freedom Linked with Labor’s Fight (as Harry Allen)
February 1943: Jim Crow Still Rules Industry (as Harry Allen)
February 1943: Negroes Seek New Paths in Fight Against Jim Crow (as Harry Allen)
February 1943: Railway Labor Gets Run-Around (as H.A.)
May 1943: Chicago CIO Maps Fight Against Wage Freezing (as Harry Allen)
July 1943: Unity with Labor – The Only Hope for MOW (as Harry Allen)
August 1943: Labor Legionnaires Unite in Chicago (as Harry Allen)
August 1943: A Union Program for Worker Ex-Servicemen (as Harry Allen)
December 1943: The European Socialist Revolution (as Harry Allen, with J.R. Johnson [C.L.R. James] & Tom Brown)
January 1944: Take Politics Out of Relief (as Harry Allen)
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Last updated 14 April 2018