MIA: History: ETOL: Newspapers & Periodicals: International Socialist Review
International Socialist Review, Issue 25: September–October 2002
The case against Bush’s war on Iraq
- The fake debate over the invasion
- U.S. politics: “September 11 effect” fading?
- The rich don’t pay
- Employers attack; unions blink
- Corporations win rigged game at UN summmit
- Philippines: War on the left
- Argentina: The revolution stalled?
- The IMF and the Brazilian election
Iraq: The case against Bush’s war, by Anthony Arnove
U.S. intervention from Afghanistan to Iraq, interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by David Barsamian
Target Baghdad, by John Pilger
Iraq under siege, edited by Anthony Arnove
The global AIDS crisis, by Elizabeth Terzakis
Where is the economy going? interview with Joel Geier
The 1930s: Turning point for U.S. Labor, by Sharon Smith
The Grapes of Wrath revisited, by David Rapkin
- Democrats up or democracy down?
- Reich’s falling short
- Journalists expose “free press”
- “Holocaust industry” off the deep end
- Cocktail-gossip case for imperialism
- Gore Vidal on war
- Unmanagable crisis
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