MIA: History: ETOL: Newspapers & Periodicals: International Socialist Review
Issue 17: April–May 2001
Under the Eagle
- Stop the FTAA
- Abortion – every woman’s right
- Don’t mourn, organize
- “NATO is floundering in the Balkans”
- The Zapatistas march on Mexico City
- Crisis and Resistance in Latin America
FTAA for Beginners, by Leighton Christiansen
Canada’s Stake in the FTAA, by Chris Hodge
Imperialism and the State, by Paul D’Amato
We Need Cross-Border Solidarity, interview with Fred Azcarate of Jobs with Justice
Do Global Problems Have Local Solutions? by Ashley Smith
The Rise of a Global Justice Movement, by Lee Sustar
Ariel Sharon: War Criminal, by Hadas Thier
From Miracle to Malaise, interview with Doug Henwood
The Balance of Class Forces at the End of the Boom, by Joe Allen
On the United Front, by Leon Trotsky (reprint)
- Introduction, by Katherine Dwyer
Bush Won Florida? I’m Laughing, interview with Gregory Palast
- America’s racial image problem
- The populism of Venezuela’s Chavez
- The food business
- Hitler’s life and times
- Jews who fought back
- The early women’s movement
- Liberals try to set an agenda
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Last updated on 7 August 2022