Karen Baker and Patrick Quinn, Remembering Milt and Edith Zaslow: A Lifetime for Socialism (Milt Zaslow was Mike Bartell, a New York leader of the Socialist Union)
Bert Cochran, Roots of the Party Crisis (Statement of the Cochran-Braverman group to the SWP PC in April 1953)
Bert Cochran, Our Orientation (presented to the Cochran-Braverman group at the time of the split)
Bert Cochran, Speech Given in 1955 to Announce the American Socialist Magazine
Bert Cochran, More Comments On Howard Fast (Masses & Mainstream, April 1957, pp.54-55)
Genora (Johnson) Dollinger, 50th Anniversary speech of Woman’s Auxiliary given in Flint in August 1987
Genora (Johnson) Dollinger, Susan Rosenthal interview with Genora Dollinger in 1993 entitled Striking Flint
Sol Dollinger, The Battle of Bull’s Run
Sherna Gluck, Oral History on Genora Johnson’s role in 1937 Strike
Janice Hassett, Never Again Just a Woman (Senior Thesis on the 1937 Flint Sitdown Strike)
Michael G. Livingston, Harry Braverman: Marxist Activist and Theorist (argues that Braverman never gave up a Trotskyist outlook)
Louis Proyect, Remembering Sol Dollinger
Louis Proyect, The Cochranite Legacy
David Renton, Against Management: Harry Braverman’s Marxism (Renton is a labor historian connected with the British SWP)
Hal Smith, The Socialist Union of America and Khrushchev’s USSR