Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Workers’ Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Norway

CPC and People Continue Mao’s Revolutionary Line


First Published in English: Class Struggle,, International Bulletin of the Workers’ Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Norway, No. 10, June 16-October 16, 1977.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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Chairman Mao further developed communist theory for our epoch. One of his most important contributions is the scientific summing up of the laws of class struggle under socialism.

Under the leadership of chairman Mao and the CPC, the People’s Republic of China became the symbol of the future victory of the peoples of the world against all reaction and imperialism, and of their determination to build socialism.

When chairman Mao died Hua Kuo-feng was elected new chairman of the party, as Mao recommended. The past year has fully shown that China, under the leadership of the CPC and Hua Kuo-feng, continues to pursue chairman Mao’s revolutionary line. By their victory over the counter-revolutionary “gang of four”, the CPC and the people of China have proved they will never tolerate any attempt by a new bourgeoisie to seize power in the country to reintroduce capitalism.

Attacks by the bourgeoisie against China are just as steady as progress in revolution by the Chinese people. In the past year countless bourgeois elements have tried to present the “gang of four” as “radical”, and Hua Kuo-feng, who took the lead in overthrowing the gang, as “moderate”.


In Aftenposten Sept. 6 (conservative, the biggest bourgeois daily in Norway), G. Filseth claims that the overthrow of the “gang of four” is the end of the revolution, and that comrade Hua Kuo-feng therefore has chosen a “new line”, different from that of Mao Tsetung.

The truth is that chairman Mao himself exposed the “gang of four” and emphasized the importance of its overthrow. He said that the question of the gang “must be solved in the second half of this year, if not in the first. If not this year then next year. If not next year, then the year after”. He sharply criticized the, “gang of four” and pointed out that it violated the three principles, “practise Marxism and not revisionism, unite and do not split, be open and above-board, do not intrigue and conspire”. Chairman Mao dealt hard blows against the factionism of the “gang of four” within the party, and told them to cease their subversive activities and instead unite with the majority.

Mao Tsetung personally appointed comrade Hua Kuo-feng as his successor. He said: “With you in charge, I am at ease”. When chairman Hua took the final step to crush the “gang of four” and its planned coup, this corresponded to the will of chairman Mao.


One of the “main points” made by Filseth and the bourgeoisie is the pretence according to which what counts in China today is not revolution but economic growth. When bourgeois elements talk like this they further the line of the “gang of four”.

In 1973, the tenth party congress, led by chairman Mao, adopted a plan to strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat. The plan included the strengthening of production under the leadership of the working class. The “gang of four” sabotaged this plan. It employed every means at its disposal to sabotage production. In an under-developed country it is impossible to build socialism without increasing production. Otherwise the people would lack food and other necessities. By opposing the economic plan elaborated by chairman together with Chou En-lai, the “gang of four” aimed at creating a lack of confidence in the CPC leadership and thus lay the basis for counterrevolution.

By opposing production to class struggle, the bourgeoisie turns reality upside down. The point is precisely that the dictatorship of the proletariat must be strengthened by having the working class reinforce its control over production. To achieve this, the class must wage sharp struggles against reactionaries like the “gang of four”. Under the leadership of Hua Kuo-feng, the CPC and the Chinese people are carrying out what chairman Mao taught about taking class struggle as the key link.


The CPC 11th national congress summed up that the struggle against the “gang of four” signified the conclusion of the first great proletarian cultural revolution.

Chairman Mao personally initiated the cultural revolution. One of his most important contributions to Marxism-Leninism is the theory of the continuation of class struggle under socialism. The cultural revolution was the most important expression of this theory. By terminating it with the liquidation of the planned coup of the “gang of four”, the CPC and chairman Hua have shown that they carry out the revolutionary line of chairman Mao.

Aftenposten’s Filseth and the rest of the bourgeoisie tell lies when they pretend that the 11th congress of the CPC stated that “cultural revolutions are no longer necessary”. In his political report to the congress Hua Kuo-feng said: “The victorious conclusion of the first Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution certainly does not mean the end of class struggle or of the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat”. He added: “Political revolutions in the nature of the Cultural Revolution will take place many times in the future”.

The only reason why the bourgeoisie spreads lies about this is that it wants to sow distrust in people’s China. Bourgeois elements like Filseth know very well that the Chinese revolution is a model for people all over the world. By lying about revolution in China they want to prevent other people from making revolution. Since Mao Tsetung has high prestige and is difficult to attack, they claim that Hua Kuo-feng and the CPC have “abandoned Mao’s line”.


The year that has elapsed since the death of chairman Mao has put the aspirations of the bourgois to shame. Armed with Marxism Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought the CPC and the Chinese people carry out socialist revolution and main tain China as a red bastion.

(Sept. 9)