Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Draft Program of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

4. We are Fighting for the Abolition of Class Society

The ultimate goal of our Party is the achievement of communism, a new social system based on the elimination of all classes and class differences. Communism is the most progressive, revolutionary and rational system in human history, a system without exploitation or oppression.

Under communism, the abolition of classes makes possible the enormous development of the productive forces and the production of abundant social wealth. This high level of development and the high level of communist consciousness of the people enables each individual to work voluntarily according to the principle, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

Under communism, the state machinery, as an instrument of class domination, is no longer necessary, and the state will have withered away. While struggle and differences still exist, the struggle will no longer be between classes, but rather between the old and the new, man and nature, the correct and incorrect.

It is inevitable that communism will triumph in the world. However, between capitalist society and communist society is an intervening period of revolutionary transition, the period of socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Socialist society covers a considerably long period during which classes and class struggle still exist. In order to ensure the triumph of socialism, prevent capitalist restoration, and achieve communism, the working class must smash the bourgeois state apparatus and establish its own class rule–the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. This new state, which for the first time in history represents democracy for the great majority of the people, suppresses the overthrown bourgeoisie and newly engendered bourgeois elements and guides the construction of socialism. Throughout the socialist period, the working class exercises leadership through its vanguard organization, the Communist Party.

Under socialism the proletariat, through its state, will seize the factories, mines, land, and banks and other means of production and social wealth and will transfer them into the hands of the working class. The working class will control production and distribution under socialism. It will replace the anarchy of capitalist production with planned socialist production, will guarantee jobs and abolish unemployment. Under socialism, the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his work” will operate, eliminating the exploitation of man by man and unleashing the great productive and creative capacity of the masses. Under socialism, all forms of national and women’s oppression will be eliminated.

During the entire period of socialism, the proletariat and its party must take class struggle as the key link, relying on the masses to combat revisionism and prevent capitalist restoration. The working class will wage a continuing struggle against the bourgeoisie, consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, gradually eliminate bourgeois right and all vestiges of classes and class society. Only in this way will communism be attained.