Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

October League (Marxist-Leninist)

China Continues to Direct Main Blow at Soviet Union

First Published: The Call, Vol. 5, No. 30, November 29, 1976.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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Since the death of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, newspapers in both the U.S. and the USSR have been wildly speculating that China might “relax” its criticism of Soviet social-imperialism. But facts show otherwise.

The Washington Post, for example, stated that “new patterns of restraint” have emerged in Chinese exposure of the Soviet superpower. The Post went on to speculate that Hua Kuo-feng, the new chairman of China’s Communist Party, was trying to “moderate” China’s stand towards both the USSR as well as the U.S. The Post’s views were echoed in the Soviet press. The editor of Pravda told a United Nations news conference that there were “encouraging moments” indicating that China would let down its guard against the Soviet Union.

Such speculations fly in the face of reality and only reflect the class interests of imperialism. The imperialists and social-imperialists ardently hope that China will cease to be an inspiring model of socialism to the oppressed people of the world. They especially hope that China will stop exposing the myth of “detente” and the growing war danger stemming from the superpower rivalry.

Far from “moderating” its exposures of imperialism, however, China has redoubled its efforts to expose the Soviet Union as the main source of war in the world today.

Last week, China’s Deputy Premier, Li Hsien-nien, held a banquet for the visiting head of state from the Central African Republic. At the dinner, Li gave a speech denouncing the rivalry of the two superpowers in Africa and pointing out that the Russians were trying to create “false impressions of relaxation of relations” with China. Embarrassed by the exposure of the USSR’s criminal acts in Africa, Soviet diplomats had to walk out of the banquet.

Also last week, the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee issued an important statement which pointed out: “We will continue to implement unswervingly Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line in foreign affairs and adhere to proletarian internationalism... We will strengthen our unity with the international proletariat, the oppressed nations and oppressed people the world over and the people of the third world countries subjected to aggression, subversion, interference, control and bullying by imperialism or social-imperialism and, in doing so, form a broad united front against imperialism, particularly against the hegemonism of the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States.”


This clear statement of continued opposition to both superpowers has been supported by many articles in the Chinese press, as well as concrete actions taken by the party and government. Since Mao’s death, for example, two hydrogen bomb tests have been conducted. These provided a graphic warning, especially to the USSR, which has massed a million troops on China’s border, that China stands ready to defend itself against any type of attack.

China has further made its continued opposition to Soviet revisionism known by refusing to accept letters from the Soviet revisionist party. Pointing out that China did not have fraternal relations with the Soviet party, Chinese officials returned Soviet letters both on the occasion of Chairman Mao’s death and the selection of Hua Kuo-feng as party chairman.

In addition, the Chinese press has continued to carry out regular exposures of Soviet social-imperialism’s reactionary role in world affairs as the main source of a new world war. The most recent issue of Peking Review (No. 46) carried articles such as “False Bard of Peace” (denouncing the Soviet-sponsored myth of “detente”), “Soviet Bourgeoisie-Greedy Bloodsuckers” (exposing the growth of high salaries and corruption in the USSR), “Soviet People’s Struggle Against New Tsars” (detailing the latest incidents of rebellion against the social-fascist regime) and “Unequal Value Exchanges with Moscow” (showing how East European countries like Bulgaria are being robbed and plundered by the Soviet Union).

It is clear that China will continue to be in the forefront of the struggle against both imperialism, social-imperialism and modern revisionism, and continue to awaken the world’s people to the war danger. The Chinese people will never cease to oppose imperialism and social-imperialism until they are banished from the earth.