Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Marxist-Leninists Unite!

Resolution on the Philippines

There is a tremendous cry amongst the Philippine people for liberation and national independence and it is absolutely imperative that the proletariat of the USNA support this just struggle. Today the Philippine people are under martial law imposed by the US-Marcos rulers.

Revolutionary struggles have risen to the level of open warfare in the Philippines in general and on the large island of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago in particular. The Communist Party of the Philippines is leading a united front of workers, peasants, and urban petit bourgeoisie against imperialism and the Marcos clique, The struggle has intensified to the point that the Philippines today actually resemble, the early days of the Vietnam War.

Through armed force the US-Marcos dictatorship seeks to remain in power thus intensifying their fascist dictatorship. Remnants of feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism continue to aggravate the political and economic crisis of the country and likewise the suffering of the broad masses of the people.

The US-Marcos dictatorship is a tool of the exploitation and oppression of the Filipino people by USNA imperialism and its local running dogs. It resulted from the rapid process of militarization directed by USNA imperialism during the Marcos puppet regime to preserve and enlarge its political and economic interest in the country, by trying to draw more superprofits and make up for the losses that they have incurred elsewhere in the world. The US-Marcos puppet gang hare only exacerbated the suffering of the broad masses of the people and have thereby engendered popular resistance and a strong revolutionary mass movement.

The U.S.-Marcos dictatorship falls in with the “Nixon doctrine” that the Philippines must be kept, no matter at what cost, as a stronghold of counterrevolution in the determined bid of USNA imperialism to remain a “Pacific Power”. The fascist dictatorship is basically a desperate effort of USNA imperialism to protect $2 billion of its investments and to maintain the Philippines as a strategic post in Asia.

The U.S.-Marcos dictatorship actually insists that the Communist Party of the Philippines is in “conspiracy” with the Lava revisionist renegades and crime syndicates. This is a vicious slander on the Party. The Communist Party of the Philippines has cleared from its ranks all the revisionist agents and opportunist elements of the old Party and today because of this has become one of the most Bolshevized Communist Parties In the world. Enjoying; absolute powers viz-a-viz the Philippine people, the Marcos fascist gang knows no bounds for its puppetry; it will throw the door wider open for USNA imperialism and ether imperialist powers, especially Japanese militarism and Soviet social-Imperialism. The substance of the old unequal treaties with the USNA will stay either through retention, minor revision or drafting of new one. The Philippines will continue to suffer violation of its national sovereignty and territorial integrity and will remain a victim of super-profit remittances by the imperialist firms and banks. Because a civil war of a national scale is now on hand and the U.S.-Marcos dictatorship will subsequently resort to the use of U,S. aggressor troops, despite the hypocritical claim of the “Nixon doctrine” about supplying war material rather than U.S. manpower, the colonial domination of the Philippines will become more direct and conspicuous in the years to come unless other drastically different conditions arise.

Recently Marcos has introduced an Extradition Treaty with the United States which would allow Marcos to demand the return of any Filipinos charged with “non-political crimes.” Marcos is striking at Filipinos in the USNA as spearheading an “international conspiracy” against him. By this Marcos hopes to destroy the growing anti-imperialist movement among all Filipinos in the USNA. This includes especially the Filipino national minority workers, who left the Philippines to escape the deprivation and hunger for a new life in the USNA only to become one of the super-exploited sections of the Anglo-American working class.

In order to capture markets, raw materials and cheap labor, imperialism has forcefully enslaved whole nations and peoples in the necessity to achieve maximum profits. The oppression of the Filipino people in the Philippines and the Filipino national minority in the USNA is national oppression; the material basis being that the Philippines is a neo-colony of the USNA.

Is the Philippine National Colonial Question exclusively a class question or is it both part of the class and national question? Let us apply Marxism-Leninism to this question as expressed by Comrade Stalin in his writing Marxism and the National Colonial Question.

1..... The National and Colonial Question is inseparable from the question of emancipation from the power of capital.
2 ..Imperialism (the highest form of capitalism) cannot exist without the political and economic enslavement of non-sovereign nations and colonies.
3. The non-sovereign nations and colonies cannot be emancipated without the overthrow of the power of capital.
4. The victory of the proletariat cannot be a lasting one unless the non-sovereign nations and colonies are emancipated from the yoke of imperialism.

As Communists, our starting point is the recognition of concrete reality. Objectively we see that the Philippines is among the colonies and dependant countries oppressed and exploited by finance capital, which constitutes an enormous reserve power and a most important source of strength for USNA Imperialism.

The Philippines is among the principal colonial and dependent countries already entering on the path of the national liberation movement, which is bound to bring about a crisis in world capitalism.

The interest of the USNA proletarian movement and of the national liberation movement In the Philippines requires the fusion of these two into a common front against the common enemy, imperialism.

The victory of the working class in the USNA and the liberation of the oppressed peoples of the Philippines from the yoke of imperialism is impossible without the formation and consolidation of the common revolutionary front.

The formation of a common revolutionary front is impossible unless the proletariat of the oppressor nation renders direct and determined support to the liberation movement of the oppressed peoples against the imperialism “of its own country”, for as Marx says, ’No nation can be free if it oppresses other nations.’ These principles apply to the Philippines and the revolutionary movement in the USNA.

The formation of a multinational Marxist-Leninist Communist Party is the crucial call the Anglo-American proletariat and all honest revolutionaries must assign themselves to if we are to assist the colonial revolution.