Issued: July 1970
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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To all working people, oppressed national minorities, progressive intellectuals, and genuinely anti-fascist forces:
Comrades and friends:
Not satisfied with harassing the CTS workers in their attempt to struggle justly against brutal exploitation, and with threatening to destroy the defense organization of the transit workers, their union, the CTS and lackey East Cleveland police today launched a vicious attack in the CTS Windermere bus yard on the democratic rights of the CTS workers to discuss revolutionary ideas, and of the communist cadre to distribute those ideas.
The so-called “wildcat” strike of the CTS drivers has given these local lackeys of the US monopoly capitalists a taste of spontaneous MASS DEMOCRACY. Therefore, when communist youth began distributing the revolutionary literature American MASS LINE and “Quotations from Chairman Mao, Tsetung” to the drivers at various substations, these lackeys of fascism began to shake in their very boots. As communist and anti-fascist working people began discussing how to move from mass democratic struggle against bureaucratic rules add regulations to armed struggle to overthrow US monopoly capital and its fascist government, these lackeys of imperialism began to see that their masters’ system is headed for total collapse.
What was their response? To viciously and brutally strike out at the communist and anti-fascist workers! To mobilize police and supervisors to intimidate them by threatening and carrying out arrests and beatings in a wild attempt to prevent the broad masses of people from discussing what they are going to do to wipe out fascism.
However, the progressive forces in America are not taking this lying down. Following closely in the footsteps of communists, anti-fascist fighters, and progressives everywhere, two communist youth put up a courageous struggle, gave the fascists back blow for blow and refused to be intimidated in any way by these goons.
Comrade Jack Ailey is a young worker who was arrested once before in similar circumstances. With true proletarian spirit in his heart, it took five fascist hoodlums to force comrade Jack into the police car.
Comrade Michele Shubert is a member of the Revolutionary Student Mao Tsetung. Thought Propaganda Team who has chased away such fascist scum many times, and in this instance, fought her way loose from one goon in order to attack those who were beating comrade Jack.
After putting up a hard-fought battle our comrades denounced the lackey police all the way to the police station and refused to cooperate with their fascist tactics in any way.
Comrades and friends, everywhere progressive people are seeing from their own experiences the Paper Tiger nature of US monopoly capitalism and its fascist government, as amply shown by this instance, and are taking up the practical tasks of organizing: TO UNITE ALL THOSE WHO CAN BE UNITED TO COMBAT THIS GROWING FASCISM!
The American Communist Workers Movement (Marxist-Leninist) calls on all progressive, antifascist people to join us in deciding what practical steps can be taken to solve this most important of all problems. If you are interested, talk to the person who is giving out this leaflet or phone 861-6949 or write to ACWM (M-L), PO Box 5221, Cleveland, Ohio.