Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

SDS Leadership Strong On Unity

First Published: Harvard Crimson, February 26, 1969.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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The newly-elected co-chairmen of SDS last night agreed to push for the abolition of ROTC at Harvard and an alliance with working people to end rising rents in Cambridge.

The three new co-chairmen are Norman Daniels, a graduate student in Philosophy, Elizabeth M. Harvey ’71, and Michael Kazin ’70.

Elected after a three-and-one-half hour meeting, the co-chairmen represent a diversity of political viewpoints in SDS. The expected conflict between the “Worker-Student Alliance” group–sympathetic to the Maoist-oriented Progressive Labor Party–and the more moderate “New Left” group did not materialize.

“Students have a real interest in uniting with working people to fight imperialism here and abroad,” Miss Harvey, who advocates the Worker-Student Alliance, said last night. She added that welfare mothers, for example, are in a position where they do not get anything without fighting for it.

Daniels, a member of neither caucus, said that calls for academic freedom at Harvard mean essentially an alliance with the ruling class. “The Corporation has shown its hand,” he said. “To abolish ROTC, we’re going to have to fight them very hard,” he concluded.

Kazin, a member of the “New Left” caucus, said that SDS should demand that Harvard build low-income housing for the people in Cambridge. He added that SDS should increase political activity in the houses.