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From International Press Correspondence, Vol. 3 No. 26, 15 March 1923, pp. 204–205.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.
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It has been known for a long time that the Italian Fascisti maintain close relations, not only with Russian monarchists and Hungarian White Guards, but also with German counter-revolutionists. In 1922 Mussolini made a personal journey to Berlin in order to consult with Wulle and others of the German Nationalists.
Now it turns out that the connections between German and Italian reaction extend far beyond a mere “community of ideas”. The Italian Fascisti have formed regular fighting organizations in the German republic.
As early as the end of September 1922, a “Fascist union” was officially founded at a secret session in Berlin; this is affiliated to the Fascist party of Italy, and was entrusted with special missions in Germany. Its object is the organization of Italians residing in Germany (“tradespeople, manufacturers, nationally minded workers, students, newspaper correspondents, etc.”). It receives the active help of the diplomatic representatives of Italy, and of the arch-reactionary Italian officers attached to the various Entente missions in Germany. A confidential circular calls upon ail “reliable Italians” to found Italian Fascist unions and Fascist groups in every part of Germany.
After Mussolini’s coup d’etat, the Italian Fascisti in Germany extended their sphere of operations. They now receive ample funds from the Italian government. On the evening of January 19, 1923, a further secret meeting of the Fascist society took place. This session was participated in, amongst others, by the following Italian murderers of workmen: captain Corrado Gustosa, captain Chiaffredo Mastrella, Alessandro Mosca, Engineer Luigi Sordi, Dr. Guiseppe Zeni. Gustosa was elected political secretary of the Fascist Union in Germany, and Zeni as organizatory secretary. At this meeting mentioned a circular from Mussolini addressed: To the Italians abroad, was read amidst enthusiastic applause. This circular, which is highly interesting as showing the plans of international counter-revolution, contains the following words:
“Italy does not cease to exist at her frontiers. (!) Italy is everywhere where there are Italians. The Fascist national party appeals to the Italians scattered all over the world, and steadfastly loving their native country, to assemble their forces for the greatness of Italy, and immediately to establish fighting unions everywhere.”
In this circular the “tasks of the Fascisti abroad” are further explained. The affairs of foreign countries are not to be interfered with: “Every country deals with its communists as it thinks best.” The Fascisti would only make themselves unpopular if they “carried civil war into the countries granting us their hospitably”. But at the same time every band of Fascisti is called upon to “combat communism and all other harmful phenomena”.
Further information on Fascist plans is offered by another circular issued by the Berlin Fascist society. This circular is in our possession. It lays down the following main lines:
“To add to the greatness of Italy.”
“To gather all Italians together, to form them into a bloc.”
“To correct the ideas being spread abroad with regard to Fascism. To carry on Italian propaganda.”
“To take interest in all economic, financial, and political (!) phenomena in the land of residence.”
In order to carry out this program, the last point of which is of special importance, various service bureaus are formed on precisely the same pattern as the German secret societies—unlimited funds being at their disposal; these are as follows:
A few weeks ago a Fascist meeting was held in the Rheingold hotel, under the cloak of the “Italian Philanthropic Society”, and attended by the Italian ambassador in Berlin. This gentleman, Count Bosdari, a confidant of Mussolini’s, is involved in more than one obscure transaction. On February 9, he sent the Berlin Fascist society a letter expressing his “great joy” at the founding of the society, and went on to say: “I am convinced of your keen patriotism, and shall be happy to grant your enterprise the very greatest possible support.” Thus the Italian ambassador in Germany abuses his diplomatic immunity for organizing Italian murderers in the German republic. What has the government of the German republic to say to this? Will it put a stop to Count Bosdari’s proceedings?
The Fascisti have also founded their first organizations outside of Berlin. In Hamburg, the general consul Giacchi is working in co-operation with the Hamburg German Nationalists. His assistant is the Fascist Jesuit priest Don Mozzicarelli, who was living in Germany already before the war. These people held a meeting in Hamburg a short time ago. In Cologne the Fascist confidence man is a certain Dr. Pertille, “Royal Italian Emigration Councillor”. He spies among the Italian workers in the Ruhr area. The Italian general consul Mayoni stationed in Munich is closely connected with the Bavarian government, and these relations have only been somewhat troubled bv the Ruhr events. Mayoni has held frequent consultations with Hitler and other leading national socialists.
The Fascisti are now quite openly publishing a newspaper in Berlin, with government money. This paper is called the Gagliardetto (The Banner). It is published by the “Leonardo Publishing Co., 49 Lützow St., Berlin W 35”. This periodical which bears on its front page the symbol of the Fascisti, an axe with rods, conducts the wildest nationalist reactionary propaganda. It lauds the part played by Italy in the great war, and extols the anti-German irredentists. The persecutions of communists in Italy are described in detail under the headline: “Energetic suppressive action on the part of the government, against the underground agitation of the Bolsheviki in Italy”. Besides this, the decisions of the “Great Council” of the Fascisti are published regularly and their execution recommended. The paper reports on a “Meeting of Italian patriots” which took place in the Teachers’ Club House under the chairmanship of a Signor Biagi.
These few facts suffice to show how closely the network of international reaction is woven. The thousandfold murderers and executioners of the Italian proletariat dare, active and organized, to put in an appearance in Berlin. They form “German service bureaus” in the German republic. The ambassador Bosdari participates in this organization of conspirators. Consular officials co-operate with the German national unions endeavoring to overthrow the republic.
What has Herr Severing to say to this? When does he intend to prohibit Fascist unions in Germany? When does he intend to confiscate their reptile newspaper? When does he intend to arrest those spies and murderers working with Entente money, Corrado, Gustosa, Zeni, and their companions, and to expel them from the country?
The German workers will have to interfere in this matter. They will reply to the meetings and demonstrations of the Italian Fascisti as they reply to the provocations of Wulle and of Cudgel-Kunze. They will not tolerate the appearance in their midst of the murderers of their Italian brothers.
Last updated on 9 August 2021