Marxist Writers: Grandizo Munis
Marxists’ Internet Archive
Grandizo Munis
Obituary from Revolutionary History, 1989
A Visit to Munis, by Ernest Rogers, 1989
Biography in Encyclopedia of Marxism
The Bourgeois State in Crisis, 5 April 1937
The Road to Victory Begins with the Revolutionary Front of the Proletariat, 5 April 1937
The Bolshevik-Leninists of Spain Demand Your Aid in the Struggle for the Social Revolution, 29 May 1937
The Programme of the Spanish Bolshevik-Leninists, July 1937
Muniz Describes Role of Loyalist Army Command, February 1939
Spain One Year After Franco’s Victory, August 1940
Mexico After the Elections, September 1940
Siqueiros Is Mexican Agent of the GPU, October 1940
Camacho vs. Almazans – Tempest in Teacup, November 1940
Franco’s Dilemma, February 1941
Who Are Hitler’s Agents in Russia?, November 1941
Grandizo Munis, Answering Charges of Mexican CP, Warns Against GPU Moves, January 1942
Observations on the Guerrillas, March 1944
The Future of the Soviet Union And The Victories of the Red Army, October 1944
A Correction, March 1945
Defense of the Soviet Union and Revolutionary Tactics, March 1945
Relationship of Program to Mass Influence, August 1945
The Fourth International in Danger! (with Natalia Sedova & Benjamin Péret), June 1947
Open letter to the International Communist Party (with Natalia Sedova & Benjamin Péret), June 1947
On Poland, 1980
The Spanish Left in its Own Words
SPAIN: The Politics of the Underground, 1962
Last updated on 25 February 2023