Works of Marx and Engels: 1840s


—“Workers of the World Unite!”— [Communist Manifesto]



The Young Marx
The Young Engels
A Book of Verse, Marx


The Bedouin, Engels


Notebooks on Epicurean Philosophy, Marx
Engels in Telegraph für Deutschland


Articles by Engels

“Although I studied jurisprudence, I pursued it as a subject subordinated to philosophy and history. In the year 1842-43, as editor of the Rheinische Zeitung, I first found myself in the embarrassing position of having to discuss what is known as material interests. ... forest thefts and the division of landed property, ... the debates on free trade and protective tariffs caused me in the first instance to turn my attention to economic questions. ... When the publishers of the Rheinische Zeitung conceived the illusion that by a more compliant policy on the part of the paper it might be possible to secure the abrogation of the death sentence passed upon it, I eagerly grasped the opportunity to withdraw from the public stage to my study. The first work which I undertook to dispel the doubts assailing me was a critical re-examination of the Hegelian philosophy of law; the introduction to this work being published in the Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher issued in Paris in 1844”. [from Preface to Critique of Political Economy, Marx, 1859]


Marx’s Doctoral Thesis
Anti-Schelling, Engels


On Freedom of the Press, Marx
Marx & Engels in Rheinische Zeitung


Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Marx
Engels in The New Moral World


Comment on James Mill, Marx
Deutsche-Französischer Jahrbücher, including
   Introduction to Critique of Philosophy of Right
Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts, Marx
On The Jewish Question, Marx
Condition of England, Engels

“Frederick Engels, with whom I maintained a constant exchange of ideas by correspondence since the publication of his brilliant essay on the critique of economic categories arrived by another road at the same result as I, and when in the spring of 1845 he too came to live in Brussels, we decided to ... settle accounts with our former philosophical conscience. ... in the form of a critique of post-Hegelian philosophy (The German Ideology)”. [from Preface to Critique of Political Economy, Marx, 1859]


Condition of Working Class In England, Engels
The Holy Family, Marx & Engels recommended
Theses On Feuerbach, Marx
The German Ideology, Marx & Engels


Saint Max, Marx


The Poverty of Philosophy, Marx
The Communist League
The Principles of Communism, Engels
Wage Labour & Capital, Marx
Wages, Marx
True Socialism, Engels
The True Socialists, Engels
Engels in The Northern Star
Marx & Engels in Deutsche-Brüsseler Zeitung
Engels in La Réforme on Chartism


On Free Trade, Marx & Engels
On Poland, Marx & Engels
The Communist Manifesto, Marx & Engels
Demands of Communist Party, Marx & Engels
Marx & Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung
The June Revolution in Paris, Marx


Marx & Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Speeches at Trial of Neue Rheinische Zeitung

Marx was twice acquitted on charges under the press laws and for inciting people to refuse to pay taxes, but in May 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung was closed and Marx and the other editors expelled from Germany. Marx returned to Paris, from where he was once again expelled and about August 26 1849, he went to London which was to become his home. [from Biography of Marx by Engels, 1869]