MIA: U.S.A. History Archive: Comintern Writers: Jay Lovestone Archive
Jay Lovestone
The Communists Answer (1921)
Letter to Ludwig Katterfeld (1922)
Our Next Step (1922)
Letter to Ludwig Katterfeld (1922)
Letter to Ludwig Katterfeld (1922)
Basis for Reinstatement of the Central Caucus Faction, April 11, 1922 (1922)
Report to the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of America, April 14, 1922 (1922)
Memoradum to All Groups of the CPA from Jay Lovestone, Executive Secretary, July 25, 1922. (1922)
The Government - Strikebreaker (1923)
Blood and Steel. An Exposure of the 12-Hour Day in the Steel Industry (1923)
What's What - About Coolidge? (1923)The La Follette Illusion (1924)
What the Communist International Thinks of the Different Groups in the Party (1924)
The Big Stick Gets Bigger [The Workers Monthly, December 1924]American Imperialism (1925)
The New America: The American Empire [The Workers Monthly, July 1925]
More Communist Strongholds [The Workers Monthly, October 1925]
“One Step Forward — Two Steps Backward” for Mr. Green (1925)
Towards Party Reorganization (1925)
Class Divisions in the United States [The Workers Monthly, November 1925]
Toward A World Bolshevik Party [The Workers Monthly, December 1925]
Imperialism and the American Working Class [The Workers Monthly, March 1926]
Forces and Currents in the Present Political Situation [The Workers Monthly, April 1926]America Facing Europe (1927)
Ruthenberg Dead! Farewell Comrade Ruthenberg; Farewell Our Leader (1927)
Towards Another Wave of Revolutionary Struggles, Part I, [The Communist, April 1927], Part II, [The Communist, May 1927]
Perspectives for Our Party, Part I, [The Communist, June 1927], Part II, [The Communist, July 1927]
The Labor Lieutenants of American Imperialism (1927)
Introduction to Stalin’s Interview With the First American Trade Union Delegation to Soviet Russia (1927)
The Coolidge Program (1927)
Some Trade Union Problems [The Communist, November 1927]
The Present Economic Situation [The Communist, February 1928]
1928.The Presidential Election and the Workers (1928)
Practical Phases of the Labor Party Campaign [The Communist, April 1928]
The Present Situation in the Labor Movement [The Communist, May 1928]
Some Immediate Party Problems [The Communist, July 1928]
Ruthenberg as Fighter and Leader (1928)
America Prepares for the Next War (1928)
America's Fight for World Hegemony and the War Danger [The Communist, October 1928]
The Sixth World Congress of the Communist International [The Communist, November 1928]
The 1928 Elections [The Communist, December 1928]
Pages from Party History (1929)
Some Issues in the Party Discussion [The Communist, January-February 1929]
Twelve Years of the Soviet Union [Revolutionary Age, November 1, 1929]
The Birth of the American Communist Movement [Revolutionary Age, November 15, 1929]
Plowing the Sands of Capitalist "Peace" [Revolutionary Age, January 15, 1930]
Can American Capitalism Be "Organized?" [Revolutionary Age, February 15, 1930]
Party Cleansing or Party Wrecking? [Revolutionary Age, April 7, 1930]
Lovestone Reports on Soviet Party Questions [Revolutionary Age, April 21, 1930]
Why They Worry [Revolutionary Age, January 24, 1931]
Europe 1931: Hunger and War [Revolutionary Age, January 31, 1931]
The American Labor Movement. Its Past, Present and Future (1932)
What Next for American Labor? (1934)
Soviet Foreign Policy and the World Revolution (1935)
The People's Front Illusion: From "Social Fascism" to the "People's Front" (1937)
The Moscow Trials in Historical Perspective (1937)
The Meaning of the Soviet “Purges” (1937)New Frontiers for Labor (1938)