Lenin Collected Works: Volume 24

Lenin on the Bolshevik Party:
Aims, Perspectives, and Tactics

* April Theses: The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution
Notes in defense of the April Theses
The Dual Power
* Letters on Tactics

* The Tasks of the Proletariat in our Revolution

The Peculair Nature of the Tactics which follow from the above
A New Type of State Emerging from Our Revolution
The Situation within the Socialist International
What Should be the Name of our Party?

* Speech at the meeting of Soldiers of the Izmailovsky Regiment
* Petrograd City Conference of the Bolsheviks
* Congress of Peasants' Deputies
* Our Views

Resolution of the C.C. R.S.D.L.P. (B) (April 21, 1917)
* Resolution of the C.C. R.S.D.L.P. (B) (April 22, 1917)
* Lessons of the Crisis
Interview Given by E. Torniainen
Foolish Gloating
* Seventh All-Russian Conference of Bolsheviks
Introduction to the Resolutions of the Seventh Conference of Bolsheviks

Mandate to Deputies of the Soviet Elected at Factories and Regiments
* A Strong Revolutionary Government
* An Open Letter to the Delegates to the All-Russia Congress of Peasants' Deputies
On The Question Of Convening an International....
The Proletarian Party at the District Council Elections
* Inevitable Catastrophe and Extravagant Promises
The Question of Uniting the Internationalists
* Two Shortcomings
* Resolution on Measures to Cope With Economic Disorganisation
* [Distinguishing between the Petrograd organ of the party and the Central organ]
Letter to the District Committees of the Petrograd Organisation
Bolshevism and "Demoralisation" of the Army