Written: Written May 11, 1922
First published in 1964 in the Fifth Russian Edition of the Collected Works, Vol. 45.
Printed from the manuscript.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 42,
page 418a.
Translated: Bernard Isaacs
R. Cymbala and D. Walters
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2) The Commissariat for Agriculture
3) The Central Statistical Board
4) The State Planning Commission agricultural section
shall be directed to present to the C.C. within four days a summary of information on the tax in kind, length not more than 1 page, containing a clear and precise summary of the amount of the tax in kind collected in 1921-1922 and that expected in 1922-1923 as mentioned in the press.[1]
[1] Lenin’s motion was adopted by the Politbureau on May 11, 1922.
Following the decision of the Politbureau a joint meeting of representatives of the Central Statistical Board, the State Planning Commission, the Food Commissariat and the Commissariat for Agriculture was held on May 16 at which the form for supplying information on the amount of the tax in kind collected in 1921-22 and expected in 1922-23 was endorsed.
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