Written: Written on April 13, 1921
First published in 1924 in the book: G. M. Krzhizhanovsky, Tovaroobmen i planovaya rabota, Moscow.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 35,
page 488.
Translated: Andrew Rothstein
R. Cymbala
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Is the instruction clear?
We must presume that we shall have in 1921–22
the same, or even worse,
harvest failure
fuel shortage (on account of lack of food and fodder
for the horses).
From this point of view there should be calculated what purchases are needed abroad in order at all costs to overcome our most dire shortages, i.e., to procure without fail the foodstuffs that are lacking (by direct purchase of provisions abroad, and by exchange of goods for grain in the outlying regions of Russia) and to secure the necessary additional minimum of fuel.
Only those requirements can and must be justified which are essential from this point of view.
Not all electrical requirements come under this heading. It is not enough to demonstrate that electricity economises fuel.
It must be demonstrated in addition that this expenditure is essential for 1921–22, given maximum shortage of grain and fuel.
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