Written: Written on May 13, 1919
Published in full in Hungarian in 1954 in the book Lenin, “ Magyarorsz&awhatthe;grol. Szemelv&ewhatthe;nyek Lenin Müvelböl”, Budapest.
Published in part on May 16, 1919 in Hungarian in the newspaper Vörös Ujs&awhatthe;g No. 83, Budapest.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 36,
page 509.
Translated: Andrew Rothstein
R. Cymbala
Public Domain:
Lenin Internet Archive.
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Bela Kun, Budapest
Received your letter of April 22 only on May 13. I am sure that in spite of the vast difficulties the proletarians of Hungary will retain power and consolidate it. Greetings to the growing Red Army of the Hungarian workers and peasants. The Entente’s ferocious peace will everywhere strengthen sympathy with the Soviet power. Yesterday the Ukrainian forces defeated the Rumanians and crossed the Dniester. I send best greetings to you and to all Hungarian comrades.
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