Dr. A. Meyer, business editor of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Capital Investment (Zurich, 1912). Written by a “practician”: advice to capitalists. Statistics of company profits, pp. 130-32. In Britain, 38,928 companies were formed from 1893 to 1902. Of these, 14,538=37 per cent had to go into liquidation!! In France the number of companies forced into liquidation was about 10 per cent (Leroy- Beaulieu). To be noted from the literature: Wilhelm Gehrden, The Secret of Success on the Stock Exchange, Berlin. (no date?) |
a German private speculator, who describes his “pers- onal experience”, p. 139: “a very minute number” win on the stock exchange. p. 149: one in fifty cases of winning in deals on margin. ((Abundant examples of swindling, etc., etc.)) |
Africanus, Cold-Mining Shares as Capital Invest- ment, Leipzig, 2nd edition, 1911. W. Ruppel, Business in Mining Shares, Jena, 1909. |
René Nouel, Joint-Stock Companies, Paris, 1911.
? J. Steiger, Trusts and Cartels Abroad and in Switzer- land, Zurich. H. Albert, The Historical Development of the Interest Rate in Germany, 1895-1908. Curle, The Gold Mines of the World, London, 1902. Gumpel, Speculation in Gold-Mining Shares (Freiburg, 1903). Th. Huber, How to Read a Balance-Sheet (Stuttgart, 1910). Robert Stern, The Commercial Balance-Sheet (Leipzig, 1907). H. Brosius, The Balance-Sheet (Leipzig, 1906). |
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