MIA: Comintern Writers: Communist Party of Great Britain: CPGB Writers: R. Palme Dutt Archive

R. Palme Dutt


Rajani Palme Dutt


“Many would-be reformers of capitalism (including the Labour Party propagandists and the Independent Labour Party) urge that if only the capitalists would pay higher wages to the workers, enabling them to buy more of what they produce, there would be no crisis. This is utopian nonsense, which ignores the inevitable laws of capitalism—the drive for profits, and the drive of competition. The drive of capitalism is always to increase its profits by every possible means, to increase its surplus, not decrease it.” — Capitalism or Socialism in Britain?



From his supporters:
Tribute, John Gollan
RPD—Memories and Reflections, Andrew Rothstein
Rajani Palme Dutt—Great Son of the Indian People, Dilip Bose

From his detractors:
R.P. Dutt: Stalin’s British mouthpiece, Jim Higgins
The Shyster Lawyer, Duncan Hallas



1920: The Sabotage of Europe
1920: Free the Colonies!

1921: Back to Plotinus, Review of Shaw’s Back to Methusela: A Metaphysical Pentateuch
1921: Psycho-Analysing the Bolshevik, Review of Kolnai’s Psycho-analysis and Sociology

1922: The End of Gandhi

1923: The British Empire
1923: The Issue in Europe

1924: The General Election and British Foreign Policy, The Labour Monthly, (January 1924)

1925: A Communist Has the Floor The Living Age, (April 25, 1925)

1926: The Meaning of the General Strike (pamphlet)
1926: Is England Heading Toward Revolution? The Living Age, (July 24, 1926)
1926: Trotsky and His English Critics

1928: Indian Awakening
1928: The New Political Course of the British Communist Party International Press Correspondence, (March 1, 1928)

1929: The Situation in the C.P. of Great Britain International Press Correspondence, (November 29, 1929)

1930: The Naval Conference and the Crisis of Capitalism The Communist, (August 1930)

1931: India
1931: The Fight Is HERE The Living Age, (December 1, 1931)
1931: Capitalism or Socialism in Britain? (pamphlet)

1932: The I.L.P. and Revolution The Labour Monthly, (September 1932)
1932: The Lessons of the Communist Congress The Labour Monthly, (December 1932)

1933: The Fight for Socialism and the Daily Struggle, The Labour Monthly, (February 1933)
1933: Marxism After Fifty Years, The Labour Monthly, (March 1933)
1933: The Fight in Germany and the International Situation International Press Correspondence, (March 7, 1933)
1933: Democracy and Fascism (pamphlet)
1933: The Fight Against Fascism, The Labour Monthly, (May 1933)
1933: A Note on the Falsification of Engels’ Preface to “Marx’s ‘Class Struggles in France”

1934: Britain and War The Living Age, (March 1, 1934)
1934: The Anti-Fascist Front, The Labour Monthly, (July 1934)
1934: America and the New Stage of the World Crisis International Press Correspondence, (August 31, 1934)
1934: "Congress Socialism": A Contradiction in Terms (October 1934)
1934: The United Front and the Labour Party, The Labour Monthly, (November 1934)
1934: The Meaning of the Indian Constitutional Proposals International Press Correspondence, (December 1, 1934)
1934: The Fight for the United Front, The Labour Monthly, (December 1934)

1935: Fascism and Empire (January 1935)
1935: Next Steps of the United Front, The Labour Monthly (March 1935)
1935: Some Problems of Fascism, The Communist International (April 20, 1935)
1935: Lloyd George as the “Savior” of the British Bourgeoisie, The Communist International (May 5, 1935)
1935: The Question of Fascism and Capitalist Decay
1935: British Policy and Nazi Germany
1935: The British-German Alliance in the Open
1935: Fascism and Social Revolution (Second Revised Edition)
1935: Fascism and Social Revolution (Third Revised Edition)

1936: In Memory of Shapurji Saklatvala
1936: Anti-Imperialist People’s Front in India, written with Ben Bradley
1936: Towrds Trade Union Unity in India, written with Ben Bradley
1936: The People's Front, The Labour Monthly (June 1936)
1936: Britain and Spain
1936: The United National Front [in India], written with Harry Politt and Ben Bradley
1936: Left Nationalism in India

1937: Outlook for 1937

1938: On the Eve of the Indian National Congress, with Harry Pollitt and Ben Bradley
1938: The Sacrifice of Austria
1938: The Philosophy of a Natural Scientist
1938: The Philosophy of a Natural Scientist, a Rejoinder to Levy
1938: Chamberlain's War Pact
1938: Can England Get Rid of Chamberlain?
1938: Review of Marx & Engels on the U.S. Civil War
1938: Before Europe's Storm
1938: After Munich

1939: Why this War? (pamphlet)

1940: Twentieth Anniversary of the Communist Party of Great Britain
1940: The Empire and the War
1940: India To-Day
1940: Background to Chaos [on the fall of France]
1940: Twenty Years of the Communist Party, The Labour Monthly (August 1040)
1940: The British Communist Party Leads the Struggle Against the Imperialist War The Communist, (October 1940)
1940: The Truth About Anglo-American Policy

1941: Britain and the Soviet Union [on the Nazi attack on the USSR]
1941: The 'New Order' In Britain (pamphlet)
1941: Turning Point for the World (pamphlet)

1942: How Britains Feel About India New Masses, (August 25, 1942)
1942: The Power of India New Masses, (September 15, 1942)
1942: India Our Ally? (1942)
1942: Britain in the World Front (1942)

1943: British Labour and the War The Communist, (January 1943)
1943: The Problem of India by R. Palme Dutt (April 1943)
1943: The Evolution of the Labour Party The Communist, (April 1943)

1944: Empire and Teheran
1944: Keys to Lasting Peace

1945: The Future Britain Faces

1946: What next for India? New Masses, (March 12, 1946)
1946: India: Travel Notes New Masses, (July 30, 1946)
1946: R. Palme Dutt in India (1946)

1947: India: Outlook for Freedom New Masses, (January 7, 1947)
1947: Britain and the Empire, The Labour Monthly (February 1947)
1947: Declaration on Palestine, at the Empire Communist Parties Conference, London on 26 February to 3 March 1947
1947: The Mountbatten Plan for India Labour Monthly (July 1947)
1947: Marshalling Europe

1948: Whither India? Labour Monthly (June 1948)
1948: The Class Fight in Britain Labour Monthly (October 1948)

1949: Introductory Report on Election Programme

1951: George Bernard Shaw. A Memoir

1953: Stalin and the Future
1953: Marxism After Seventy Years, Labour Monthly (March 1953)
1953: Communism and the Constitution, Labour Monthly (December 1953)

1954: The Communist Party and the Mass Movement The Marxist Quarterly (April 1954)
1954: The Way Forward for the Countries in the Sphere of British Imperialism

1955: India Today and Tomorrow
1955: Message of Greetings to the Congress of the People, Kliptown, South Africa (June 1955)

1956: The Great Debate [on Stalin]
1956: New Times, New Measures [includes self-criticism for prior article on Stalin] Labour Monthly (June 1956)

1957: The Crisis of Britain and the British Empire
1957: Israel and the Arab Middle East, Labour Monthly (August 1957)

1958: How the Labour Party Became What It Is
1958: Britain's Colonies and the Color Bar

1959: Communism and the Left
1959: Honour to Whom Honour. Some Reflections on Communist Party History

1960: What Is Socialism?
1960: Lenin After 90 Years
1960: Black and White
1960: The Commonwealth Today
1960: Stand by Congo

1961: Some Points on Capitalism's Economic Prospects

1963: Marxism After Eighty Years
1963: Problems of the International Communist Movement
1963: Problems of Contemporary History
1963: National Liberation Today

1964: The Internationale

1965: Commonwealth? Empire?

1966: The Left and Communism

1967: Whither China?

1968: Marxism — 150 Years of Vindication
1968: Racialism and Reaction
1968: Czechoslovakia — Lessons for Us All

1969: Fifty Years of the World Revolution

1972: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh


Last updated on 1 February 2025