
Written: 1949-51
Never previously published:
Source: Raya Dunayevskaya Archive (#1595)
Digitalisation, proof-reading & html markup: Chris Gilligan, 2022-3

1. Feb, 18, 1949, Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin's Notebooks on Hegel's Science of Logic, (Doctrine of Being)

2. Feb. 25, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin's Notebooks on Logic. (Doctrine of Essence)

3. March 12, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin's Notebooks on Logic. (Doctrine of Notion)

4. May 14, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on "circumstances surrounding" Lenin's Notebooks.

5. May 17, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin and the "actualization of the dialectic proper"

6. May 18, 1949. Dunayevskaya to Lee on Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.

7. May 20(?), 1949. James to Lee on Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism and the Philosophic Notebooks.

8. May 27, 1949. Discussion notes: James and Lee.

9. June 8, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin's Notebooks on Imperialism.

10. June 10, 1949; James to Dunayevskaya. First response to the correspondence thus far.

11. June 13, 1949, James to Dunayevskaya on Lenin's Notebooks and the period 1914-1923.

12. June (22) 19, 1949. James to Lee on Lenin's method and the method of this correspondence.

13. June 20, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on the Logic, Marx's Capital and the new stage of capitalism (imperialism).

14. June 24, 1949. James to Dunayevskaya on the article for Marcuse - notes.

15. June 28, 1949. James to Dunayevskaya on the article for Marcuse - notes (continued).

16. June (near the end), 1949. James to Dunayevskaya on abstractions in Lenin's thought.

17. July 2, 1949. James to Lee on abstractions in Lenin's thought.

18. July 5, 1949. Lee to James on abstract and concrete in Lenin.

19. July 5, 1949. James to William G. on conversations with Novack and articles in progress.

20. July 6, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin before and after 1914; on monopoly.

21. July 9, 1949. Lee to James on Lenin and Bukharin; the Taylor system.

22. July 15, 1949. James to Lee reply to letter on Bukharin.

23. July 20, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin 1914-1917.

24. July 25, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin as "revolutionary dialectician and thinking Kautskyian".

25. July 29, 1949. Lee to James on Lenin's Notebooks on the Logic.

26. August 16, 1949. Lee to James on Hegel's categories of Universal, Particular and Individual.

27. August 25, 1949. James to "everybody" on Lee's letter of August 16, 1949.

28. August 29, 1949. James to Lee. Further comments on Lee's letter of Aug. 16, 1949.

29. August 30th, 1949. Dunayevskaya to James on Lenin's approach to dialectics: 1900-1902; 1908; 1914-1916.

30. Sept. 4, 1949. Lee to James on Hegel's Logic: Doctrine of Essence and "the revolt".

31. Jan. 24, 1950. Dunayevskaya to James on the structure of Capital.

32. Jan. 30, 1950. Dunayevskaya to James on Marx's plans for Capital.

33. Mar. 14, 1950. Dunayevskaya to James on the structure of Capital.

34. June 7, 1950. Dunayevskaya to James on the structure of Capital.

35. Jan. 15, 1951. Dunayevskaya to James on Vol. III of Capital.

Related resources

V. I. Lenin Philosophical Notebooks on Hegel (Clemence Dutt translation)

V. I. Lenin Philosophical Notebooks on Hegel (Raya Dunayevskaya translation)

Raya Dunayevskaya Lenin on Hegel's Science of Logic: Notes on a Series of Lectures

Raya Dunayevskaya Notes on Hegel's Logic

CLR James Notes on Dialectics (extract)

Raya Dunayevskaya Lenin's Philosophic Notebooks and the State-Capitalist Tendency

Raya Dunayevskaya "The Theory of Alienation: Marx's Debt to Hegel"

Raya Dunayevskaya The Philosophic Moment of Marxist-Humanism

Raya Dunayevskaya Archive