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Editorials written by Richard Fidler and Ross Dowson
Jan 13, art. 1 | WV #165 Break from NATO pact! NDP must demand, by Anne Macdonald |
Jan 13, art. 2 | Rail unions sellout: ‘New approach in labor relations’? (unsigned, editorial) |
Jan 13, art. 3 | LSA/LSO leadership holds plenary meet (politics and progress) (unsigned, editorial) |
Jan 13, art. 4 | Review: Che Guevara (the play), by P. Kent |
Jan 27, art. 1 | WV #166 Unable to restrain prices, gov’t admits, by P. Kent |
Jan 27, art. 2 | (Editorials) Trudeau renews ties to nuclear alliance; Out of NATO, now!; Cuba’s problems? Nothing like ours! (economic blockade) |
Jan 27, art. 3 | NDP Toronto slate? ‘Year of City Hall’, by Anne Macdonald |
Feb 10, art. 1 | WV #167 Hellyer’s censure (by Globe & Mail) only makes case for public housing, by P. Kent |
Feb 10, art. 2 | Opportunist Tendency resigns from League (Rands-Engler), by Ross Dowson |
Feb 24, art. 1 | WV #168 Socialists in debate with NDP official (Harney and Wright discuss role of Socialist Caucus, ONDY convention), by A.M. |
Feb 24, art. 2 | (Editorials) The Sir George Affair: Let’s hear the truth! (Montreal college conflict); Full inquiry needed; The real ‘fraud’ was the Conference itself (constitutional meeting of federal-provincial premiers) |
Feb 24, art. 3 | “Just what is the enemy?” Column: Think it over (youth ‘terrorism’), by Ross Dowson |
Mar 10, art. 1 | WV 169 Behind Quebec’s revolt; An oppressed nation (the struggle for French-only schools) (unsigned, editorial) |
Mar 10, art. 2 | Where is U.K. Labor Party going? …The road ahead for the British Left (International comments on four years of Harold Wilson’s government) unsigned, editorial |
Mar 10, art. 3 | (Editorial) 8-page Vanguard is target of fund drive |
Mar 10, art. 4 page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 | Agitator, teacher, historian – the role of the socialist press;(unsigned, editorial) 1) Our 48 years in labor’s fight for a better world; 2) (our press) ‘fights the system on all fronts’; 3) Building a new leadership, 4) The Vanguard, Vol. 1 No. 1, Nov.-Dec. 1932; 5) Our struggle against war (a consistent record); 6) Socialist Action, September 1939; 7) Labour Challenge, September 1945, 8) Labor Challenge, Mid-August 1950 (Korean War); 9) The (US) Militant, Dec. 1, 1928: ‘Spector’s statement to the Canadian Party’; 10) (continuation ‘Rykov-Stalin-Bucharin regime…”) 11) (continuation, signed Maurice Spector.) |
Mar 24, art.1 page 1 page 2 | WV #170 NDP lags behind; Because of parliamentary dogmatism, by Ross Dowson (continuation) Photo: Confrontation (NDPers in solidarity with strikers) |
Mar 24, art. 2 | CBC, P.O. strikes mar CLC-Trudeau love-in; Sysco strike, by P. Kent |
Mar 24, art. 3 | (Editorial) Slam the door on OAS (U.S.-dominated Organization of American States) |
May 7, art.1 | WV #171 NDP challenges ABM, then endorses NATO, by Anne Macdonald |
May 7, art.2 | Hamilton labor march: Public join in anti-labor legislation demonstration in Ontario, by Paul Kent |
May 7, art.3 | (LSO) Our Quebec press (La Lutte Ouvričre) by Arthur Young |
May 21, art.1 | WV #172 Toronto NDP in bid for all aldermanic posts, by Anne Macdonald |
May 21, art.2 | (Editorials) Bureaucrats bow to attack on labor press (Liberal government ends 2nd class mailing rights); Clear Watkins’ name (attempt to frame Canadian black power leader); A new upsurge in the anti-war movement (Easter peace marches against Vietnam war, NATO and NORAD) |
May 5, art.1 page 1 page 2 | WV #173 B.C. IWA seeks to reopen contract (continued)May Day, 1969; Win language rights, by Paul Kent |
May 5,art.2 | Demands public ownership of communication satellite (NDP), by Anne Macdonald |
May 5,art.3 | Vive la Ligue Communiste! (founded by JCR, leaders in May 1968 French events) |
May 5,art.4 | (Editorial) NDP’s Toronto slate a big step forward (civic elections) |
May 5,art.5 | (Editorial) Vanguard expands to 8 pages; Photo: After deGaulle, what? |
May 19, art. 1 | WV #174 Mass rally set for May 31 to protest anti-labor laws (at Queen’s Park in Toronto) ,(unsigned, editorial) |
May 19, art. 2 | Socialist contests French presidency (Alain Krivine of the LC),(unsigned, editorial) |
May 19, art. 3 | The meaning of deGaulle’s defeat (in the referendum) |
May 19, art. 4 | New rise of world struggle hailed (Ross Dowson main speaker at Vancouver May Day rally) |
May 19, art. 5 | (Editorial) ‘Hate’ literature bill a threat to civil liberties |
May 19, art. 6 | Teachers seek control of jobs (in Quebec) (Union front), by Paul Kent |
June 2,art.1 | WV #175 (Editorial) Labor ranks begin to move |
June 2,art.2 page 1 page 2 | (Editorials) PM keeps wraps on Canada’s secret police (S & I division of RCMP) Behind our price increase (Vanguard forced to raise sub rate) |
June 16,art.1 | WV #176 Militancy, unity at labor march (against union-busting legislation in Toronto), by Paul Kent |
June 16,art.2 | (Editorial) That NATO troop cut – What it really means (Trudeau’s ‘withdrawal’ from Europe) |
June 30,art. 1 page 1, page 2 | WV #177 NDP to power! Manitoba says,(unsigned, editorial) (continued)Manitoba NDP victory |
June 30,art. 2 | Rail union merger stalled – blow to labor unity |
June 30,art. 3 | Appeals red-baiting clause (in Oakville UAW local), (unsigned, editorial) |
June 30, art.4
page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 | 1) Soviet dissidents speak out; Oppose rehabilitation of Stalin; 2) Tartars demonstrate for national rights; 3) Oppositionists are seeking to restore workers’ democracy; 4)continuation) Russian working class; 5)Critic was once hailed as ‘model Communist’; 6) Soviet citizens protest trials, launch appeal for free speech |
July 14,art.1 page 1, page 2 | WV #178 (Editorial) Manitoba shows the way (NDP in power) …Meaning of Manitoba NDP victory (urban and farmer working class support breakthrough) |
July 14,art. 2 | Photo caption: Trudeau’s Indian policy means more of this (evicted family) |
July 14,art. 3 | (Editorial) The rift deepens (Far East CPs boycott pro-Moscow conference) |
July 14,art. 4 | Cubans query role of CPs in anti-imperialist struggle (criticize peaceful coexistence line),(unsigned, editorial) |
Aug 11, art. 1 | WV #179 (Editorial) Army’s anti-labor training shows real meaning of security report; Vietnam protest group assails maneuvers |
Aug 11, art. 2 | Exclude women in job retraining; Inco offer; UAW must act on closures (union front column) by Paul Kent |
Aug 11, art. 3 | (Editorial) Trudeau tells the truth …about parliament (who really governs the country) |
Aug 11, art. 4 | (Readers forum) CBRT opposition (rail union merger defeated) by Jean Laplante |
Aug 11, art. 5 | Gov’t prepares to allow 4 U.S. bases in Canada,(unsigned, editorial) |
Aug 11, art 6 Page 1, Page 2 | An important document; Broad left forms in NDP impact of document “For an independent, socialist Canada” (continuation) Role of NDPleadership , photo anti-war demonstrations anti-U.S. imperialism |
Aug 11, art. 7 | U.S. profs control campus studies; ‘Put Canadian sovereignty in center stage’—Mathews |
Aug 11, art.8 page 1, page 2 | How to end ‘Americanization’ of culture; A reply to Robin Mathews, by Ross Dowson U.S. control debate |
Aug 25,art. 1 | WV #180 Steel strike spreads, ranks aim at big gains, (unsigned, editorial) |
Aug 25,art. 2 | Bill 33 threatens in B.C. oil strike (union front column) by Paul Kent |
Aug 25,art. 3 | Where does Trudeau stand now on ABM? By Dick Fidler (notation by R.D.) |
Aug 25,art. 4 | (Editorial) Whatever happened to participatory democracy? (Trudeau backs down on his promises) |
Aug 25,art. 5 page 1 page 2 | Leon Trotsky on the struggle for a socialist Canada, by Ross Dowson (continuation) “gathering forces of revolutionary socialism in this country;” National question |
Aug 25,art. 6 page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 | (document of the 1968 convention of the LSA/LSO) Canada and the US; The socialist view; half Canada’s biggest firms U.S.-controlled; " " (Canada’s) Special role; Radicalization, Apologists for U.S. rulers; " " (the bourgeois nationalist) Demagogy (of Diefenbaker), Socialist position; " " Public ownership (is alternative to U.S. control) |
Sept 8, art. 1 | WV #181 Issues facing Toronto NDP; Socialist proposals, by Anne Macdonald |
Sept 8, art. 2 | NDP must present a candidate for Mayor (of Toronto), by Ross Dowson |
Sept 8, art. 3 | Strike forges unity of Steel, Mine Mill (unions),(unsigned, editorial) |
Sept 8, art. 4 | (Editorial) …Some chickens come home to roost …B.C. election (reformist program of NDP yields defeat) |
Sept 8, art. 5 | Socialists start Que. monthly; La Lutte Ouvričre expands,(unsigned, editorial) |
Sept 22, art. 1 | WV #182 Toronto LSA will contest mayoralty, says Ross Dowson to press |
Sept 22, art. 2 | Failure to fill out slate assailed at NDP meet, by Anne Macdonald (NDP has program but few candidates) |
Sept 22, art. 3 | (Editorial) Where is Schreyer’s government heading? (NDP government in Manitoba) |
Oct 6, art. 1 | WV #183 Unity deepens in Sudbury strikes (steel unions), by Paul Kent |
Oct 6, art. 2 | (Editorial) Canada in the ‘70s – potential vs. reality (affected by cutbacks depressing optimism) |
Oct 6, art. 3 | (Editorial) No retreat before the redbaiters ! (NDP brass attack public ownership platform of new ‘Independent Socialist Canada’ document) |
Oct 20, art.1 page 1 page 2 | WV #184 Anti-war protests escalate; next mobilization Nov.15! Why Montreal exploded (Police and firemen’s strike prompts Trudeau to call out army) by Dick Fidler Trudeau’s new action army? (photo) (Editorial) Montreal events show instability of system (notations by R.D.) |
Oct 20, art. 2 | Meeting called to fight postal rates (union front column), by P.K. |
Oct 20, art.3 page 1, page 2 | Left spells out program; Resolutions at NDP convention, by Anne Macdonald (NDP MPP Stephen) Lewis attacks manifesto (for an Independent Socialist Canada) |
Nov 3, art. 1 | WV #185 Discord over (Hamilton ON) Steel contract, by Paul Kent |
Nov 3, art. 2 | (Editorial) Trudeau rips off mask in anti-Quebec rage (against militant strikes) |
Nov 3, art. 3 | Who’s to lead party posed by NDP debate (document For an Independent Socialist Canada requires a new leadership), by Anne Macdonald |
Nov 3, art. 44 | Canada and U.S. relations; The socialist viewpoint on the debate (LSA/LSO document reviewed); Canadian aid in Vietnam,(unsigned, editorial) |
Nov 3, art. 5 | CP restores its record (Canadian Stalinists repudiate their own delegation’s allegations of gross violations of Ukranian democratic and national rights),(unsigned, editorial) |
Nov 17, art. 1 | WV #186 Bosses, Steel brass pressure strikers (miners and smelter workers in Sudbury, Port Colborne), by Paul Kent |
Nov 17, art. 2 | (Editorial) The challenge facing socialists in the NDP (face down red-baiting of leadership and building the revolutionary alternative) |
Nov 17, art. 3 | Arab revolutionists at Vanguard Forum,(unsigned, editorial) |
Nov 17, art.4 | Socialist League organized; enters New Zealand election (new group allied to Fourth International),(unsigned, editorial) |
Dec 1, art. 1 | WV #187 Steel strikes ended by close votes; Strike firms up Mine Mill local, by Paul Kent |
Dec 1, art. 2 | For a labor-socialist alternative at city hall! (LSA Toronto campaign),(unsigned, editorial) |
Dec 1, art. 3 page 1, page 2 | Glimpses of Toronto socialist campaign; With the LSA-YS candidates,(unsigned, editorial) (continuation) John Riddell, socialist mayoralty candidate (photo) |
Dec 1, art. 4 | Fifty years of world revolution, edited by Ernest Mandel (Book review) by Paul Breton |
Dec 1, art. 5 | CP up to old tricks in peace movement (Stalinists’ rank factionalism flops),(unsigned, editorial) |
Dec 15, art. 1 | WV #188 ‘Year of crisis’ looms for Ontario teachers (teacher walkouts threatened), by Paul Kent |
Dec 15, art. 2 page 1, page 2 | Crisis in British labor party is analyzed by socialists,(unsigned, editorial) " " (continuation) The new revolutionaries (outside the BLP) |
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