MIA: Jim D'Arcy
Jim D'Arcy
July 1949: Party News Brief: Debate with a Conservative at Southend
February 1954: Socialism, Utopian and Philosophical: Reply to A. A. N.
June 1958: Annihilation or Socialism?
October 1972: The I. L. P. as the 'Open' Party
January 1974: Socialist Economics 1 - Commodities
February 1974: Socialist Economics 2 - Value
March 1974: Socialist Economics 3 - Money and Prices
April 1974: Socialist Economics 4 - Do Machines Produce Surplus Value
May 1974: Socialist Economics 5 - Capital
July 1974: Socialist Economics 6 - Surplus Value
September 1974: Socialist, Not Labour
January 1975: Economics: Do Banks Produce Wealth?
February 1975: Economics: Banks and Credit
August 1975: Debate: SPGB v. International Socialists
December 1975: Marxism and the Media
January 1976: Terrorism is not Revolution
February 1976: Division in the I.S.
April 1976: A Broken Reid
June 1976: Bernard Levin and the SPGB
September 1976: The Productive and the Unproductive Worker
February 1977: Lewis Henry Morgan and the last 100 years
May 1977: Greater London Council election leaflet: Capitalism in a miniature or time for a change
September 1977: Which Political Philosophy
October 1977: The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
December 1977: Wages and their Abolition
January 1978: Sociology and Marxism
June 1985: Russia re-defines socialism