Chen Yun


On U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits

Excerpts from Speech at the Reception Given by Bulgarian Ambassador Celebrating the National Day of the People's Republic of Bulgaria


Delivered: September 9th, 1958.
Source: "Vice-Premier Chen Yun's Speech at the Reception Given by Bulgarian Ambassador Celebrating the National Day of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (Excerpts)", in Oppose U. S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area (A Selection of Important Documents), compiled and edited by The Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1958), pages 24-25.
Online Version: Chen Yun Reference Archive, 2014.
Transcription/Markup: Juan Fajardo, 2014.


September 9, 1958

We Chinese people, like the peoples of the other countries in the socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union, are engaged in building socialism with immeasurable revolutionary energy. However, we have never forgotten for a moment that there still exists in the world the aggressive imperialist bloc which stubbornly pursues the out-of-date colonialist policy and constantly threatens the peace and tranquillity of the world. In defiance of the desire for peace of the people throughout the world, the U.S. and British imperialists not only ignore the resolu-tion of the Emergency Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly and refuse to withdraw their troops from the Lebanon and Jordan, but have gone even further to make new preposterous provocations in the Lebanon and other areas in the Middle East.

Recently, the U.S. imperialists are aggravating the tension in the Taiwan Straits area, openly threatening to extend their aggression to China's coastal islands along the mainland. This provocation on the part of the United States has not only aroused the unparalleled indignation of the Chinese people but met with the unanimous con-demnation of the peace-loving people all over the world. This crude U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of our country can have no other consequence than bringing for themselves shameful defeat. Lenin, Leninism, and the Chinese Revolution, where I deal with these questions in connection with the centenary of the great Lenin's birth.